
Racism in Germany - how bad is it?

发表在 德国论坛

I just read a story on Spiegel online which shocked me: According to a new study, more than 14% of German teenagers can be considered as "anti-foreigners", while more than 5% fall into the category of the righ extreme with Nazi-tendencies.

Surprisingly, the bad reputation of foreigners seems to be higher in those regions with little foreigners (so those regions where people don't even know what they talk about!!!).

The original article is here: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,613844,00.h

To me - this is just another example of human ignorance, but for a foreigners living in Germany, these numbers are pretty scary!

What are your opinions and personal experiences with the way Germans see foreigners?

  • Mike Batuik

    发表  在 德国论坛 

    From what I have heard is that mostly the German population are mainly mostly racist to ( kanake ) dark skinned dark eye colored people. Not exactly sure as to why but apparently that is how it is, I mean i have dark blond e hair blue eyes white skin from west cost canada now living in switzerland and maybe in the future germany, and i have not yet experienced myself any bad situations where it has to do with my race or ethnicity.

  • 查看Ron Saxena's的个人资料

    发表  在 德国论坛 

    We have low tolerance to racist Brits. And reactions come quick. And you seem to be very similar breed. btw, the cat is cute.

  • 查看Ron Saxena's的个人资料

    发表  在 德国论坛 

    Indians are richer than Anglos in England as well as in USA. Get your facts right. We have the moral strength here. So do not mess with us. I am not apologetic for insulting Brits.

  • 查看Ron Saxena's的个人资料

    发表  在 德国论坛 

    Change ur profile . Liar of first order. Your are British. You are not German. This forum is not Toytown Germany, which is full of Anglos who jeer at others with snide comments , so called British "Dark Humour".
    Im not apologetic for any rant against British. They deserve it.

  • 查看Ron Saxena's的个人资料

    发表  在 德国论坛 

    If u want to think, I am drag on European welfare system, all the best Go ahead.
    I discovered your vile messages after 1.5 weeks. I do not sit in front of computer launching racist attacks on others. It is you, who is a hiding in Germany from triple dip recession in UK.
    I am in Luxembourg since last 5 months. You cannot claim welfare unless you have paid social contribution for 45 months. btw, we Indians are in much less needs for welfare. Its Chav Brits like you, who claim doles.

    And it was you who have called me CUNT. Its my right to give u a fitting reply. Germans at least have sense of guilt, which Brits don't have. Any wonder Brits are getting hammered. And you are here in Germany, hiding from triple dip recession. Too bad.

  • 查看EasternWind Shen's的个人资料

    发表  在 德国论坛 

    I am really surprised. I did not know that such a forum exists.
    I do not agree with few of the point you have mentioned, but agree with the rests. I am a Chinese girl, enrolled for a PhD program, which is partly in Stuttgart partly in London. My 2 years stay in Germany was in Student Home and most of my social interaction was in University circle. Since Jan 2013, I am in London. I did not encounter any direct rudeness, racial slur. But I can recall very stubborn form of social alienation, snide gestures and covered discrimination. I get along lot better with British, because they are open/liberal, and I have already interacted with British expatiates during my MS study in Singapore.
    My field of study is research oriented (Microbiology). So I did not apply for regular jobs in Germany. In my University, the hardest working students are Chinese, Korean or Indian. And it is obvious that they enrol in PhD program at much higher rate than Europeans, because they face discrimination in Job market.

    I think German school education attaches a huge taboo in voicing racist comment. But does not address discrimination with selection processes (Job, Apartment etc.). As a result silent discrimination exits, where it hurts the most. On the other hand, in UK, it is much higher chance of facing racial rant. But government laws on discrimination are very strict. I visit my boyfriend in Belgium very often. And there also, it is very liberal and open.

  • 查看Ulises Kahlo's的个人资料

    发表  在 德国论坛 

    The only reason for the topic "How bad is racism in Germany" is, because Blizzy Everhard, a stuff member, chose a lurid, attention grabbing headline. When this forum was new, she wanted people to make talk, that's all.

    Germany is a very liberal-minded country with respect for all kinds of minorities: the chancellor is a woman, the finance minister handicapped, the minister of economic affairs has got Asian roots and the foreign minister is homosexual. All together they are the representatives of the great majority of Germans. Of course you always can find particular cases of rude behavior towards foreigners, however, these politicians could never be on top of power, if they had not found acceptance with a large body of German opinion.

    "Racism" is an inappropriate term and doesn't fit in an immigration country, where every third childbirth has got a migration background. What does 'race' mean, when people more and more interbreed and mingle? You may think you are talking to a 100% caucasian German (?), but he/she is only half/cuarter/eights-German.

    In the last 10 candidates of "German Idol" were only 4 "pure" Germans. The kids wouldn't vote for them, if they didn't like them. What is "race"? The winner was blond and white, but not German! ;-) In third place was a Pole, in fifth place a Kazakh, in seventh place an Italian - it was so normal, it wasn't worth a word. The old animosities and ideology of WWII don't seem to be of importance in this day and age.

  • 发表  在 德国论坛 

    Racist german people should log on at racist pages like "Politisch Inkorrekt" or "Deutsche Liga", but not at international pages.
    The topic is "how bad is racism in germany" and not "is racism anywhere in the world worse than in germany".

    Ill people who try to mob other people, fight or attack should go to the doc. It is definitely wrong that this kind of people
    are accepted at international communities like at this site.

    Of course there are a lot of good german people but these good germans are too calm, or they have too less power and they are too afraid of german racists.

    The prison which is called Germany should start to build up humanity instead of building up culture of the 19th century.
    The cultural fight should be stopped and fight related to receive humanity has to be started.
    The world is great , if human being can share the bread.
    No boarders, no racists,no culture of the past, only bread and friendship between humanity should be the aim.
    All racists should go to hell.

  • 发表  在 德国论坛 

    They are steered by rules, they respect rules, they live like robots.
    in prison rules are also accepted as in the whole area of germany.

    Germany is a prison, where people who believe in rules are walking on the area.

  • 发表  在 德国论坛 

    I believe many Germans pretend to be much more tolerant and open-minded than they really are.
    For good reason you´ve adopted the German term "Angst" for extreme fear into your vocabulary:
    It includes the fear of other races, which is ingrained. Why? Look at the geography of Germany:
    It´s always been surrounded by coveting neighbours, the conquest of strangers eminent:
    I don´t believe in "Multi-Kulti", it´s an illusion. It´s exactly as thriving as wealth and well-being are. The moment
    wealth and well-being begin to falter, racial tolerance does likewise.
