Run In The Dark Edmonton 5k & 10k Option


Legislature Building

107 Street and 97 Avenue, Edmonton, Canada نقشہ

As DARKNESS falls on 14th and 15th November 25,000 people around the world will get up from their armchairs and pull on their running shoes, slip on their red flashing armbands and hit the road to Run in the Dark.
In over 50 cities worldwide these people will light up the night, as they flow through the streets like lava. Part of global event, together they are supporting Mark Pollock Trust to find and connect people worldwide to fast-track a cure for paralysis.

The Edmonton event will start at the fountain just north of the Legislature Building (just west of the Annex Building) at 7:00 pm on 15th November.

Why should you take part?

Spinal cord injury strikes at the very heart of what it means to be human; an evolutionary amputation completed in a moment, turning people from standing upright, running forms into seated compromises of their former selves. It also interferes with the body’s internal systems that are designed to keep us alive. Multiple infections, neuropathic pain and uncontrollable spasms are common.

These are the things that exhaust even the most determined: that leave 7 out of 10 people excluded from the workforce; and that isolate so many of the 500,000 people globally who suffer a spinal cord injury each year.

This is why the Mark Pollock Trust is exploring the frontiers of spinal cord injury, working with the world’s greatest scientists and technologists to find and connect the right people worldwide to fast-track a cure for paralysis. The Run In The Dark plays a vital part in funding our mission. This year the Trust aims to raise €500,000 to fund ground breaking scientific research, and assist scientists and technologists to translate their research from lab to clinic.

So join us on the 15th November to be part of the mission.

Price: Regular: CAD 38

Category: Sports and Leisure, Running

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