فورم پر فوزہو واپس

Seeking for some contacts

پوسٹڈ ان فوزہو فورم


I will be in Fuzhou by the end of February and i'm seeking for some people to meet and who can tell me about the life in this city. French or english speaker will be welcome but i can also try the rest!

Feel free to contact me by mail: [...]
or by facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mathias.lyft

جائیں اس یوزر کےیوزر کو ڈیلیٹ کر دیا گیا ہے's پروفائل پر

  • جائیں اس یوزر کےwei chen's پروفائل پر

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  انرر فوزہو فورم 

    hi mathias:

    how is trip in fuzhou, i am just coming back from america not long ago, try to make some new friends in my old town, so if you still here, let me a message, maybe we can hangout sometimes.

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