Introduction to Sanskrit Chanting


Serendip Spa & Yoga

Place Stéphanie, 18, Ixelles, Belgium Map

A workshop to introduce you to the ancient practice of Sanskrit mantra recitation from the Vedic traditions.

A brief overview of this practice will be presented to help you understand the important role of mantras in Yoga. You will have the opportunity to learn the Sanskrit alphabet along with the breath and voice work required to activate mantras. Sanskrit is a phonetic language and pronunciation following inherent rules of grammar are an important element of mantra recitation.

The workshop will end with the Gayatri mantra, one of the most powerful mantras, taught through traditional 'Shruti Parampara' (repeating after the teacher).

Workshop led by Shantala Sriramaiah: Shantala is a certified Vedic chant teacher, studied Sanskrit in school and continues her family tradition of teaching chanting. She comes from Bangalore, India and has been living in Brussels for about 5 years. More info about her: www.

Price per person: 35 eur

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 Helena Mahuas