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Ivf/icsi treatment in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.. any suggestion is a great help!

Şurada gönderildi Suudi Arabistan forumu


We had "unexplained infertility". ICSI failed twice. Had an ectopic in rt fallopian tube between two ICSIs. it was aborted by methotroxate injection.

After 2nd failed IVF, Dr Bandar told me to do all the pre-ivf related test and then go for IVF. In Dr Sulaiman Habeeb these tests cost very high. So me and my hubby are doing these tests in Dr Sameer Abbas medical center in riyadh.

We met Dr Wael there. He will guided us about all the tests.
One can connect with doctor Wael by phone .+966 11 416 0000, Ext. 248, fathilab2004 at gmail dot com.

I will suggest everyone to go for these tests before IVF/ICSI because every failed IVF/ICSI will cause you more stress.

Now, i want to any other IVF doctor for my 3rd ICSI trial. Can someone suggest?

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