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Why is it so hard to make friends in Switzerland??

โพสต์ใน ห้องสนทนา สวิตเซอร์แลนด์

Is it just me or is it really hard to find some people in Switzerland who are willing to make good friends with you (especially to foreigners)??
I've been there for only 6 months and I heard you need at least 3 months to completely settle down there so maybe I've been there just too short...what do you think?



  • โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา สวิตเซอร์แลนด์ 

    hahah yeah i think so too that he's the problem! i wen't on a holiday to switzerland and i got to know many people, and also a girlfriend! i'm now planning to move to switzerland! i've been at her home and everybody accepted me with open arms! i liked it so much that i'm moving to Chur in january! so don't mind about what the stupid american says :p they are the boring, plane and ignorant people! ;) i love swiss!

  • โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา สวิตเซอร์แลนด์ 

    hoi ivo! i've met a girl in switzerland (chur) this year and i've met her several times and i've been 3 times to switzerland this year, and i really don't think the people are cold and not open-minded??everybody was soo friendly to me over there?? which part do you live in switzerland?? because i wan't to move in january to chur, so you say it's no good idea too do that?? and do you think it's difficult to learn the swiss german?? how long will it take before you can speak a little?
    thank you!groeten uit belgië!

  • Steph Lladwod

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา สวิตเซอร์แลนด์ 

    Hallo canuck s! I just found this forum today and was surprised to find a fellow Candian right away. I am from Calgary and have spent the last 9 months in Germany. Now my boyfriend has a job in St.Gallen so here I am. I don't have a work permit, I have applied to a few temp agencies, hope that helps. So without a job I am having a really hard time meeting people. I don't really think its that much harder than other Germany or Canada considering the language barrier.
    Where is Switzerland do you live? I was hoping to meet some people through this forum if I can't do it other ways. I am running out of ways to entertain myself here...And as the weather gets colder I am afraid I will be sitting at home knitting up a storm all winter!
    Steph :)

  • ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ Abdullah JALLAD

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา สวิตเซอร์แลนด์ 

    Hello guys....I would like to talk according to my experiance in Switzerland as i spent there about 1 year for my opinion Swiss people are very nice and friendly and im really sorry that some of comments were so aggressive against the Swiss people....what i have realized in Switzerland that Swiss people are very busy and very serious in studying or even working and some of them they really dont have the time to contact you or even to write you comments on facebook they like working and make business than contact with other people...they rarely to make new relations as they would like to keep in touch with old friends....they are not racist it depends on you if you really work hard with them and if u r respectful for sure they will respect you what ever ur nationality is.......for me i am from Jordan(in the middle east)...when i was doing my internship i was the most serious person at work and i was really hard worker and my relations with other were really great the reason made them like me and respect me and help me what ever i need guys have to know that even they dont make new relations but when ever u have a friend u have to know that u are the luckiest person in the world as you have the number 1 loyal friend...for me i left Switzerland with a very nice friend and i never could find such a friend in any country in the world

  • Juan Ubide Barreda

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา สวิตเซอร์แลนด์ 

    What kind of Swiss have known? When I was small I had my prejudices about the United States and prejudices are never good. I met a Swiss in my school, I think it was german-speaker (do not remember what county it was, but I guess it was the Germanic-speaking canton, perhaps in the area of Bern and Basel). He was friendly and polite than me, and I was fine. I've never been to Switzerland, because I just never left Spain.

    I had an incident because the Italian language chat politely greeted him with a French-Swiss skeaper, and she got mad because I asked in German. And of course as I felt very angry because she was nasty, and because I said "Forgive me because I can not speak German" Am I going to demonize and hate all French-speaking Swiss because they are special and very particular with the language? "And because there are people that maniac who likes to foreigners" parlez français rien vou? (Per le pardon mon français) "Well it would be wrong on my part. And I've never been to Geneva (I think that all French-speaking parts of the earth are like the city of Paris). Nor do I think that all French people are bad people, because the nice people and bad people are everywhere, the nation does not determine the character.

    See, I'm very nasty and I'm not the typical Spanish (happy and good-natured). I've had my problems, but hey, there's always around.

    I have met many people who hate Americans for foreign policy, ultraconservative and other nonsense. And I've met very charming amaricanos, for example I remember my encounter with an American in my school and talked about everything, much more than basketball, he speaks bad Spanish, but I liked how he spoke because I valued her effort. And I also met an American in my class, and I really liked, was very intelligent. And I have met very nice and even French have taught us to give a little of their language. As for the language, my preference is Italian but I should speak in German when I answer in German or English (though I speak very badly and people understand that my English is poor).

    As regards Switzerland, for I like it as it is, by its sovereignty and economic policy. If Switzerland is there as is the work of its leaders and citizens at the federal level.

    I'd like to go to Switzerland one day, time and if it can go, and if you can not because nothing happens

    I'm always welcome to ideas and people of different nationalities.

    A greeting to all Swiss regardless of creed, race or religion.

  • โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา สวิตเซอร์แลนด์ 

    Reading your post I am not really surprised that you have no friends in Switzerland... You think that Swiss people are boring, lazy, liars, have a stupid mentality and so on. Have you ever tried to think that you might be a part of the problem for not having more Swiss friends?

  • โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา สวิตเซอร์แลนด์ 

    swiss people are terrible boring cold and lazy people,it,s much better to hang out with somebody else.
    even if you know finally a swiss very hard thing you will get only angry with their stupid mentality and their boring lifestyle.
    all the swiss i meet always complained about americans and anything you make different to them was complained if i speak to laud they complain if i smile they complain if i wear a cool shirt they complain nothing is correct for them.
    they never introduced me to their Friends or group swiss people are afraid what the american will say or make diferent to them or they are afraid that the american is superior to them yes superior swiss are obsesed with superiority and money.
    the swiss people i knowed never coud meet for a drink without a long planification before and always i was calling them a no sorry once a swissie call me back 3 month later to go for a drink but after he asked me for money what a swiss asshole.
    i read somewhere in this forum that swiss people are hard to get to know but after if you get closer they are loyal friends maybe 1 porcent of swiss people are still ok the rest are the biggest liars on earth.

  • basanta bora

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา สวิตเซอร์แลนด์ 

    Thanks Roger. its nice reading your ARTICLES!! Dont mind please, I m just kidding.

  • ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ Roger B

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา สวิตเซอร์แลนด์ 

    no worries! Sometimes I kind of forget myself when answering and so the answers end up looking more like an article than a reply. It's just that there is so much to say about this topic.

    I see your point. Unfortunately, you are right that being brown or black skinned makes things probalby harder and makes it harder to adapt. I senserily hope thought that this will change the more tourists visit us and the more very talanted immigrants come to live and work here from countries such as India. Of course the media plays its part in this as well, by not further presenting certain sets of countries, such as many African states, as hopeless basket cases - and therefore cementing in the heads of people the equitation of "darker skinned = refugee". By the way, I'm quite confident about the fact that the media has been presenting India in a much different, far more positive light over the last couple of years. It might be a somewhat shallow and annectdotal aspect, but I think one can also see the acceptance of foreign cultures by the proliferation of certain aspects these or knowledge about in our society. A visible aspect of this might be, again taking India as an example, the number of Indian restaurants (which, luckily for me, is on the rise), the enthusiasm about basically Indian arts such as Yoga or the general knowledge about India's history, culture and society. Once a critical mass of knowledge has been achieved, I believe the sceptisism should abate.

    I'm somewhat surprised what you say about Basel. Afterall one would expect that the population in Basel is more used to "international crowd", given that it hosts some of our big multinationals. In that way Zurich really might be different as you really have many more international companies settling there with employees from all over the planet.

    That the kanton can be a pain in the arse, I hear that a lot from both Swiss and expats. With their 9-to-5 attitude and their seemingly "stick-to-the-letter" approach of work, they really come across as being a lazy bunch of bureaucrats, not even wanting to go an extra inch too far to help. Of course one of the big obstacles, which really should be changed, is the total lack of offical forms and instructions in English. That's not just a problem many people encounter but also businesses. Granted, one can not expect from each and every official to speak English, but at least in "big" cities such as Basel and Zurich they should have a designated office or person able to handling and assist with these questions.

    So again, my answer is turning more into something akin to an article. Well, I think the points you rise are valid. Unfortunately not all Swiss are cosmopolitans and being of other colour than white can make things harder. However, I am confident that the more international Switzerland gets, the less important such things will become.

  • basanta bora

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา สวิตเซอร์แลนด์ 

    Thanks Roger for your pretty long reply. However, its more than one year here for me, and i am yet to assimilate. May be its my problem? I live in basel; to be honest and frank, I feel more isolated here than even Zurich. Zurich is more of a mixed society, but in basel, a brown or black skin is always seemingly a foreign object! :) So I dont see the respect for the software still. I hope to see it soon, though!
    I do value the politeness and helpfulness of the swiss people, and they not insisting on speaking german (well, except few, specially in the kanton offices!).
    The so called Xenophobia, I feel, is becuase most of the swiss are not exposed to the cultures of places outside europe; which possibley gives either a stereotypic impression of those places or simply a fear of those places.
    Well, I hope for the best!
