lin days

О мени

lin days
 lin days
О мени:
I'm a medical student, very organized and basically a perfectionist. I want to improve myself, in any aspect.I like to interact, to learn about others. I understand Spanish,Italian and a little bit of Portuguese but since lack of practice i began to forget most of it.So,i'm opened to "remember" :). I'm interested in a job offer in my field of study
Место пребивалишта:
Интересују Вас:
Пријатељи, Пословни контакти
Germany, Romania, Brandenburg, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Thuringia


Art, Coffee, tea and conversation, Computers/Internet, Learning foreign languages
Омиљена музика:
no favourite music
Омиљени филмови:
no favourite movie
Омиљене књиге:
Quo Vadis, The Condemnation of Paganini
Ствари које ми се свиђају:
Reading,Learning,Browsing internet,Crayon drawing, Tea, Incense sticks,Cycling
Ствари које не волим:
Shallow and fake people, Unpunctuality, Very loud music, Noise, Extreme heat
Статус везе: