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Studieren in Deutschland

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wenn du in Deutschland studieren willst, dann lerne Deutsch, es gibt auch die Möglichkeit auf Englisch zu studieren, Da musst du dich informieren.

Ich möchte dir die Seite empfehlen. Wichtig ist, dass du auch die richtigen Studiengänge studierst. Also nicht Germanistik.

Richtig ist Informatik, Elektrotechnik oder Wirtschaftsingenieur.

Google einfach nach "Fachhochschule Bremerhaven"
"fachhochschule Hamburg" usw

Ich würde mich freuen, von dir zu hören

  • Mohcine Ali

    објавио/-ла је  у Немачка Форум 

    Well, my residence permit will finish on October. I have no other option to extend for another period; I want study German for both my professional career, studies and of course, for cultural issues too. But, unfortunately, my chances are really very few. What suggestions do u see are worth venturing?

  • Идите до профила Marek Brunkhorst

    објавио/-ла је  у Немачка Форум 


    why pay money? Prepare for free with online courses in German language or plan a language course here in Germany. Many Hochschulen and Universitaeten offer language courses in the sommer. While you are learning German here, you can check if a study programm in Germany fits to you.

    Please remember the blue card system and also that a bachelor or master degree made in Germany gives one the legal right to stay in Germany

  • Mohcine Ali

    објавио/-ла је  у Немачка Форум 

    I tried to go on these websites, but in vain. How can we pay 60 euros without being in Germany. I think it's a long journey to study in Germany; you need German first the thing that can take one year. So, it really takes time and money.

  • Mohcine Ali

    објавио/-ла је  у Немачка Форум 

    Thanks for your details, can you tell me about Phd studies in Bremerhaven?

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