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timeline for fiancee visa?

Poslané v Fórum Belgicko

hi. we have our documents submitted for fiance visa in Belgium embassy in Manila first week of oct. and interviewed again first week of dec. we're wondering what is the average processing time for this visa type..we are hoping to get married before our marriage declaration expires feb 10..does anyone here wants to share their experiences re fiance visa? thanks and happy new year!

  • Prejdite na profil ZD Pardo

    zaslal  v Fórum Belgicko 

    @Desert Vixen and Anna Liza- Great news indeed that finally you'll have your passport with visa, fly, and be reunited (at last) with the love of your lives! Believe me ladies, I know the feeling! Exciting that I will also meet my new friends!! I am also telling to hubby about you ladies (and also about Felipe) and he is also happy that I have pinay friends coming.. Let's set up a date ladies! I will clear my sched by say June, and I will invite you over for a dinner here in the house (I will cook!). I will PM you ladies for details. Wiih ~ excited much!

    @Anna Liza - re your inquiry about driver's license. Yes, we can use our non-pro license here in Belgium for 90 days. After that, we have to apply for Belgian license. You will need your residency ID or permit (which you will need to process with your hubby as soon as you're married), your non-pro license from Phil., and 2 passport photos. And this is most important ~~ Nationals of EU countries, Israel, Japan, Malta, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Switzerland, and the US can exchange their own licenses for a Belgian one without having to take a driving test. (Isn't that great?).

    @Felipe - sweetie, we know how you feel..but it's a bit early to be anxious.. and pls. don't entertain negative thoughts in your mind (that will stress you a lot even more). as you said, you are busy with work ~ so stay busy and positive! I also advise you to email embassy after 4 weeks from the date you lodged your application. That's reasonable enough time to inquire for updates..Being proactive is okay but you also need to know your timing..

    Also some sisterly advice to the ladies ~ I was under the weather these past few days because of some allergy (sneezing fits), colds, and cough because of pollen every where. I love spring but not the allergies that goes with it. So, if you think you might also be allergic to pollen, bring antihistamines with you or whatever allergy meds you have since you will be traveling May. Keep safe.

    God bless..

  • Desert Vixen

    zaslal  v Fórum Belgicko 

    Hmmm...Let me think...

    If it's just been a couple of weeks since you lodged your application, most likely, there's nothing to update yet. If you call them, they will just tell you, "No result yet." And that's it. Nothing else! :S Plus, it's gonna cost you a lot for the phone call ( if you're not from Manila). I would suggest that you send them an e-mail on the 3rd week (from the day you applied for you visa) although the best time would be after 1 month. You can only send an e-mail to this address: [...]. I was only able to send an e-mail to the personal inbox of one of the visa officers because she replied to my message. They use their personal e-mail addresses kasi when replying to the inquiries/follow-ups.

    Now, when you send an e-mail to them, do not forget to include your full name and visa number in your e-mail. Here's a sample of what I always write.

    In the subject field, I type: Visa Status Inquiry
    And the body of the message:

    Good day,

    I just wish to know the status of my visa application. And if possible, may I also know the date when my documents were sent to the Immigration Service of Belgium?

    Your response will be highly appreciated. Thank you.

    Sincerely yours,
    (insert name)
    Visa number: (insert visa number)

    Normally, it takes about 3 days before you can get a reply from them. I hope this helps. :)

    And you know what they say, "Patience is a virtue." I know it's not easy to be very patient on this but good things come to those who wait. ;)

  • felGUY ****

    zaslal  v Fórum Belgicko 

    ...Pitty I don't have email address from one of the staff in the embassy..toink!! toink!!!

  • felGUY ****

    zaslal  v Fórum Belgicko 

    Yeah, you're right Desert Vixen, maybe I need to follow up..Like what you did, or else you're just waiting for nothing..
    Can you give an idea where I can ask, through email or through phone number.? Or can I make a move to ask them in fact it was just 2 weeks today since I submitted my documents?
    Looking forward to hear from you soon..
    Take care

  • Desert Vixen

    zaslal  v Fórum Belgicko 

    Yes, Felipe. We should have a party in BE once we're all there. Yay! That's gonna be so awesome. ;)

    Cheers for the good news! Yours is sure to come soon.

  • felGUY ****

    zaslal  v Fórum Belgicko 

    That's great then Anna..le't s have a party... hhehehe..Anyways, I am happy both of with Desert Vixen.. Who knows I am the next one to receive an email from the embassy.. I still have 15 days more to know the result..
    keep on posting for the updates guys...

  • Desert Vixen

    zaslal  v Fórum Belgicko 

    Just a quick update guys.

    I sent an e-mail to Ms. Herrera again. I asked her if they already received my documents and I requested for her to let me know when I can come and pick up my documents. In less than 3 minutes, I received a reply from her telling me to come tomorrow. Apparently, there was some misunderstanding. They thought that one of them already contacted me. It really wouldn't hurt to be proactive sometimes and do follow ups. Hehehe!

    So Felipe my dear, don't be afraid to send them an e-mail to follow up on your case. It's better to ask than just sit there waiting and worrying. ;)

  • Desert Vixen

    zaslal  v Fórum Belgicko 

    Good thing the embassy already informed you the date and time. You were right with your prediction, it's gonna be on Wednesday. Hehehe! :)

    The embassy hasn't e-mailed me anything. I'm starting to get worried. :S It's impossible that they didn't receive it because I received the automated response from them plus to make sure, I also forwarded it to Nicole Herrera (one of the visa officers). But how come I haven't heard anything from them? Maybe I should call them later. I just hope their line is working.

  • Anna Liza Gural

    zaslal  v Fórum Belgicko 

    Hello Ladies and Felipe,

    so the embassy already emailed me today and told me that i can collect my passport on 18May at 14h00.

    okay, this is really it!


  • Desert Vixen

    zaslal  v Fórum Belgicko 

    I really hope it works now, Anna Liza. I know that you're supposed to leave by Friday next week already. But I'm sure your visa will be ready by Wednesday or (fingers crossed) Monday. Yay! :)

    I sure hope to hear from them tomorrow. I guess we're not gonna be at the embassy at the same time. Sad. :( But I'll see you in BE. Soon! And with ZD Pardo too. ;)

    I hope you also get a notification from the embassy that your documents are ok already. As always, let's keep each other posted.

    Hi to Felipe and ZD Pardo. Hehehe

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