Copenhagen English Comedy Night, Thurs, Dec 5

Copenhagen English Comedy Night, Thurs, Dec 5

dubliner downtown

Ny Østergade 14, Copenhagen Municipality, Denmark Hartă

Join us for Copenhagen English Comedy Night at Dubliner, on Thurs, Dec 5 with more pro comics!

This show welcomes 3 comics from around the world!

Adam Fields (UK), Michael Jäger (Germany) & Neil Robinson (Canada).

+ Adrian Mackinder (UK) is your resident MC for the evening.

When, Thurs, Dec 5, showtime: 20.00 sharp. 

Where: Dubliner Downtown, Ny Østergade 14, (map:

Book a table (eating guests only) via +45 33 11 84 28.

If not eating, there are a number of drop-in seats which are not reserveable and are available first come first serve, so come by 1930 for best chance to get a seat or there is risk of standing to see the show.

Advance tickets:

Single: 110 dkk

2-PERSON DUO: 200 dkk

Door enty is otherwise 130kr per person.

Buy advance tickets via:

The entire show is in English.

joe eagan
 joe eagan