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Free Education in Sweden - Help me out-

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friends - can you please help me out with few details - my email id is - [...] - i need some good universities which offer free education for MS in SWEDEN. Please help me out -I am currently located in India... i would appreciate your immediate response my dear friend.

Your help would mean a lot to my life.
Thanks and Regadrs ,

  • Postado por  em Suécia forum 

    Hello Moo,
    Students don't have to pay tuition fees at public universities in Sweden. I would recommend you read more about tuition fees in Sweden at http://www.studyineurope.eu/study-in-sweden/admission/tuitio

    Swedish universities are quite flexible with the language requirement and support students who can't speak the language. You may receive an intensive course in Swedish before the semester starts. Therefore, I would recommend you contact the coordinator or the person responsible for the study program of your choice and ask whether you would have the ability to enroll in a Swedish course while studying your degree. You'll be surprised by the large amount of students taking Swedish lessons along with their studies!

    I'll be glad to suggest some Swedish universities. Now, I need to know what kind of study program you would be most interested in (engineering, journalism, etc) and if you have ever studied at university in your home country.

    Welcome to Europe!

  • Moo .

    Postado por  em Suécia forum 

    Dear StduyinEurope

    Thanks so much for your reply and i would like to ask about the public institutions in Sweden where i can find them and are they really for free , and i'm applying for undergraduate studies there , and i really would love to learn sweden language but the thing is that they don't teach it here in my country and i don't like the online courses to tell you the truth , but i'm really thinking to study something else after i know the swedeish , and it would be great for me if i can do that while i'm learing swedeish there , i want to ask you if i can learn swedeish there coz i can't learn it here ? thanks

  • Postado por  em Suécia forum 

    Hello Moo,

    Thank you for your nice words. I'll be glad to provide you with more information. Just post your questions here or open a new thread.

    Welcome to Europe!

  • Postado por  em Suécia forum 

    Hello Ravindra!
    If you are applying for undergraduate studies in Sweden, you may need to speak Swedish since lectures and books might be in Swedish. If you can't speak Swedish by the time you apply for, you may still get admitted in the study program or course of your choice. I would recommend you contact the program coordinator. Swedish universities are quite flexible with the language requirements. In some cases, students like you are afforded the opportunity to take an intensive course in Swedish before starting the academic year.

    If you are applying for graduate studies, the language requirement varies depending on the course you will be taking. However, a good command of English is usually sufficient.

    I would recommend you always contact the program or course coordinator and ask about the language requirements.

    Welcome to Europe!

  • Moo .

    Postado por  em Suécia forum 

    Thank you sir for this useful info , it really helped me alot , and as a non-EU students , i would love to talk about it with you coz i need more info , would that be okay for you ? [...]

  • Va para perfil de ravindra kakani

    Postado por  em Suécia forum 

    i speak english only i don't know swedish can eligible for study in sweden
    plz tell me my id is [...]

  • Postado por  em Suécia forum 


    University education at public institutions in Sweden is free
    for all students, EU and non-EU students. Although there are no tuition fees, you will have to pay a small but compulsory fee to the student
    union (in Swedish studentkår), and of course you will have to pay for your books and living expenses.

    Regarding application deadlines, non-EU students have to submit their applications before March 16 for studies beginning in the fall semester.

    In any case, I woud recommend you visit this internet resource if you are planning to study in Sweden: http://www.studyineurope.eu/study-in-sweden. You will find plenty of information on application deadlines, entry requirements, grades and how to apply for university studies in Sweden.

    I hope the information is of help.

    Kind regards,

  • Postado por  em Suécia forum 

    Hi Folks!

    when is the last session for tuition free education at Sweden, i have applied in BTH university for MS, i send in my documents but they declined because i didn't had the TOEFL/IELTS test score for the SPRING 2009 SESSION.

    Can i apply for tuition free education again? Was this the last session for free education will there be another tuition free session in 2010?

    please inform me with a prompt reply, i'll be more than oblgied :)

    Naveed Lal Khan

  • Va para perfil de mahesh babu

    Postado por  em Suécia forum 

    hi friends iam nani, i want to know abt the free education in sweden
    why govt of sweden is providing free education for the people .
    my email id is [...] i ll wait for ur reply any type of answers are appreciated .

  • Edvin Lundahl

    Postado por  em Suécia forum 

    Hi Mahi! I'm not quite familiar with the Swedish university system as I haven't been studying. But I found a site with a list of tuition free universities, you can check if one of them has your courses:


    Maybe you could also try to get a scholarship??

    Good luck

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