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Racism in Germany - how bad is it?

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I just read a story on Spiegel online which shocked me: According to a new study, more than 14% of German teenagers can be considered as "anti-foreigners", while more than 5% fall into the category of the righ extreme with Nazi-tendencies.

Surprisingly, the bad reputation of foreigners seems to be higher in those regions with little foreigners (so those regions where people don't even know what they talk about!!!).

The original article is here: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,613844,00.h

To me - this is just another example of human ignorance, but for a foreigners living in Germany, these numbers are pretty scary!

What are your opinions and personal experiences with the way Germans see foreigners?

  • Va para perfil de John Lovejoy

    Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    History is easily researched if interest warrants the effort, which also helps you separate revisionist accounts from fact.
    Nothing personal, but by not making an effort to research and fact check you can’t really complain about feeling lied to….since there is also much humbug out there.

    Regarding your 2nd question, that you can also independently research if it really interests you.
    But if you just rely on others to do that for you to put it in a neat simple to understand package, chances are you won’t get the facts.
    You also got to remember that different people recall events from varying perspectives all depending in which situation they where in at the time.
    For example if you asked a Jewish person, a Gypsy and a German all living through the same events at the time, they will give very different accounts because they all affected differently.

  • Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    it is true that history is not my thing, meaning, I never paid a lot of attention in school so there are many things that I don't know.

    But the fact that we are lied to all the time, that I know, and you don't need to know a lot of history to know that we are fed BS all the time. Books included.

    Plus, I never understood how so many people died in the holocaust and yet it seems that every Jew today is a grandchild of somebody that survived the camps. Just how many people were sent to the camps? I have only heard about the ones that died, but never how many survived or how many were sent. How many Jews in total were there to begin with?

  • Va para perfil de John Lovejoy

    Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    @ YT
    To add to my above post
    In fact the early economical success of the Nazis in Germany gave rise to the American Nazi Party.
    The majority of German/ Americans became proud Nazis at the time.
    At that time also every 4th immigrant to the US was German and they brought this with them.
    It spread like wild fire.
    I posted a link to a documentary about this yesterday.
    It wasn’t until after the Anschluss absorbing Austria and the following invasion of Poland that people got a little weary in the US.
    And the Jews where telling some stories that many had a hard time believing at the time.

    When America entered into war with Germany, we rounded up German/ Americans nation wide and put them into camps because most where Nazified
    But those where not bad camps.
    They continued their wurst making, celebrating of October fest and their worship of the Nazi doctrine there in peace…like freaking holiday camp.
    When they where let out after the war and learned what had really transpired in their beloved Fatherland it was quit a shock to them too.

  • Va para perfil de John Lovejoy

    Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    Exactly Germany fell into a deep depression in the aftermath of WW1.
    And from the beginning of the Nazi regimes rise to power things got getter,
    Hitler united the people (IMHO united them a little too much , in retrospect :))) and they rebuilt the country.
    Autobahns and Volkswagens, work and decent pay for everybody.
    The early years under the rise of the Nazi regime where some of the most prosperous in Germany ever.
    Why do you think the German people loved him so much?
    Hitler also ignored the Treaty of Versailles and many other agreements Germany entered into after WW1 which where designed to keep Germany down and in check.
    Then of course he went crazy and power-hungry and the rest is history.

    Yes and there where Germans that tried to resist and others that helped the Jews, but they where a tiny minority.
    At the point the regime had become so oppressive that only the most brave and righteous dared to counter it.

  • Va para perfil de T Y

    Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    wasn't Germany in a total depression with high unemployment rate, far from a successful time so that Hitler took advantage of frustrated Germans to get just enough support to get in power??? usually when a country is prosperous, the people tend to share the wealth, even with Jews or any other immigrants. and from what I heard, it was the opposite when Nazis took the power.

    and I do believe there was a resistance movement even among Germans. and while many many German civilians willingly helped Nazis to round up Jews, other Germans were oppressed under the dictatorship to a point they couldn't rise up without seriously risking their lives? and I believe there was also an assassination attempt by a German group.

    I mean, I do see the tendencies of the majority of the Germans to go along with what you mentioned, even today. but like I said, it's hard to believe it was so one sided. it comes across as propaganda programs on the History channel.

  • Va para perfil de John Lovejoy

    Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    @ YT

    Yes it took an enormous amount of fire power and effort of 4 nations to stop Germany.
    So why was the German war machine so powerful despite its devastating losses in the East in the later years?
    Because they used the labor of millions of conquered people to built their war infrastructure
    They where disposables ….worked to death on a starvation diets …with an endless supply of more waiting in the wings.

    Building the railways, camps, weapons factories, underground bunkers …….Thus Germany didn’t have to use the labor of their own people, leaving them free to tend the farms and the men to fight the wars.
    None of the Allies had millions of people as slave labor at their disposal.
    As cruel and inhuman this was it was also the epitome of efficiency when human life is worthless.

    And even when the writing was on the wall …..Hitler did not want to quit, when some of his generals tried to suggest it.
    Hess even flew to England very much to Hitler’s dismay hoping to broker a peace.
    In the end Hitler still deluded, armed German teenagers and old men to defend Berlin.
    By the time 1944 ad 45 rolled around there was no rime and reason to his strategy anymore.
    It was the only way, to bomb Germany into oblivion.
    Should we have brought flowers and asked for chat?

    Neither did the German people rise up to demand an end or a peace, or where willing to give up the conquered lands and houses they now occupied.
    You have to remember that the beginning of the Nazi era was an incredibly successful time of prosperity for Germany.
    They did not want to let go of that idea.

    But bombing the camps would have been bad form with all those people incarcerated there.
    The point was to liberate them….not bomb them.
    Many also had POW, and bombing them would have been very wrong.

  • Va para perfil de John Lovejoy

    Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    @ YT
    I don’t see why not.
    It’s like going into a pub
    All the ones I see the doors are always open, especially in the summer and people also hang outside laughing and having a good time.
    Just go in and say Hi …see how it goes.

  • Va para perfil de John Lovejoy

    Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    @ GN
    But just yesterday you posted that history is not your thing anyway.
    So how can you pass judgment on a subject that doesn’t really interest you to begin with. Something that by your own words you know little about.

    “I never heard of that before, but history was never my thing anyway”

    Personally I love history because learning about the past puts the present in perspective.

  • Va para perfil de T Y

    Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    Do they allow other foreigners to hang out there too? I wouldn't mind playing pool. And is it free?

  • Va para perfil de T Y

    Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    The Allies were also bombing cities killing thousands of civilians, not just military targets. They didn't mind it then. Of course it was a retaliation, I know. But if they had known where the concentration camps were, they should have bombed them. There would have been casualties for sure, but they might have saved more people that way than letting the nazis kill 6 mill. And bombing the rail ways wouldn't have caused any misery.

    I'm not trying to badmouth the allies, they did bring peace, and we are all grateful, but all I'm saying is, they weren't just a bunch of super heroes like in the movies and as innocent as you described it.

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