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Mexican Girl

Dodane na Holandia forum

Hey im a mexican spanish speaking girl we can trade lenguages if u allow me to u can add me on msn [...] i was taking duch lessons online but sometimes is easier if someone tells yo the real pronounciation ... Greetz

  • dodane przez  w  Holandia forum 

    I'm living in Lausanne and I'd also like to learn this language!

  • maurice edgra

    dodane przez  w  Holandia forum 

    i am living in geneve i would like to learn dutch

  • Diana B

    dodane przez  w  Holandia forum 

    Hello Rocco,

    Have you already found someone to exchange classes with? If not I would be interested. I live in Utrecht, but I can go to Amsterdam by train or bus.


  • Idź do Mercury Olympus profilu

    dodane przez  w  Holandia forum 

    We can all see each other on skype face to face my id is hitzero2003

  • Veronica Galindo

    dodane przez  w  Holandia forum 

    Well, if you are willing to come to Utrecht then we can certainly do something about this. I am not a teacher but I can certainly teach you some basic grammar and specially conversation..
    I had a basic dutch course but I am still far from speaking it so it would also be helpful for me to have dutch classes.


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