2023 5th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Education (waie 2023)


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Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo, Japan Kaart

Submitted papers will be peer reviewed by the conference committees and international reviewers. Accepted papers of WAIE 2023 after proper registration and presentation will be published into Conference Publishing Services (CPS), and submitted to IEEE Xplore™ for indexing by Ei Compendex and Scopus Index, and other indexing services.

Call For Papers:
Artificial intelligence algorithms in education
Artificial neural networks in education
Educational robotics
Knowledge Science and Knowledge Engineering
Intelligent tutoring systems
Intelligent virtual reality based learning systems
Distance education, teaching
New Generations of Educational Technologies
Educational Technology System Architecture
Educational Technology System Development Technology
Model and Architecture of Educational Technology System
Distance learning system
Artificial Intelligence and Open Learning
Human-Computer Interaction in Teaching System
Educational Knowledge Management Technology
Simulation in learning
Affective Computing in Education
Education software
Education hardware

More Topics: http://www.waie.org/cfp.html

Venue: TKP Tokyo Station Nihombashi Conference Center
Add: 1-2-16 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0028

Submission Methods:
Full Paper(publication and oral presentation)
Abstract(oral presentation only)
Please log in the Electronic Submission System to submit your paper.
--Electronic Submission System: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/waie2023
--By email: waie_conf@126.com

Ms. Ching Cao
E-mail: waie_conf@126.com
Tel: +86-13290000003

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 Vera Foster