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New members - Introduce yourself!

Geplaatst in Frankrijk forum

Have you just joined our community? Then take a couple of minutes to introduce yourself to our other members! What are you doing in France? What are you looking for in the community? And what are your ideas of how we can improve the France community?

We hope you enjoy the Just Landed as much as we do. Good luck in France!

Ga naar Verwijderde gebruiker's profiel

  • Ga naar franco aguilar's profiel

    geplaatst door  in Frankrijk forum 

    hola, me llamo franco soy del norte de argentina, estoy tramitando mi papeles para viajar a europa, me gustaria quedarme en españa. espero poder compartir con ustedes ideas y experiencias, gracias por aceptarme

  • Ga naar Peter S's profiel

    geplaatst door  in Frankrijk forum 

    Hello fellow forum friends,

    I am Peter and from the colorful and vibrant India. I am a Web Designer by profession. Me and my friends are planning for a trip across Europe hopefully by the end of this year. The dates aren't final.

    We are putting together a travel map and itinerary on things to do. I am here looking for advice and suggestions from fellow users. :) try and contribute where ever possible . I like to browse through a lot of online deals and discount sites.

    Look forward to interacting with you all.


  • Ga naar Gabriel Thompson's profiel

    geplaatst door  in Frankrijk forum 

    hi I am Gabriel, nice to meet you all

  • Irene Reece

    geplaatst door  in Frankrijk forum 

    I will be moving in a year and 4 months from now lol. I know it seems early but. . . I'm trying to get a better understanding of the culture, laws and atmosphere. :) Luckily I have family and I've been a few times. But I am not visiting. I will be staying for two years for Graduate School. Hopefully I will make connections with people on here, so it won't seem so lonely. :)

  • Woltmann Gustavo

    geplaatst door  in Frankrijk forum 

    Bonjour à tous,

    Je suis très content d'être ici parmi vous. je m'appelle Gustavo Woltmann, je suis photographe et j'habite à Paris. Ce qui me passionne et que je fais dans la vie ? Je suis photographe. J'espère pouvoir apporter pleinement ma contribution à la communauté. voilà !

  • moggy s

    geplaatst door  in Frankrijk forum 

    We have been here 11 years and our now feeling drawn back to Europe, partly to be closer to the in laws in the UK and partly because the excitement of living here has waned.
    At the moment our French is not brilliant, though I find learning languages fairly easy when I put my mind to it. But I cannot see me ever speaking it fluently enough to write reports as a business analyst, so we are looking for other income options.
    We are thinking that with the money we have tied up in one property here, we could buy say 5 houses, to either rent long term or as gites. But there is a lot of research to go before we can make the decision to move.

    We recently have come back from a couple of weeks in France, Brittany and Dordogne, just to see if it was how we remembered it from over 20 years ago and we loved it.

  • Ga naar OUSSAMA HALOUANE's profiel

    geplaatst door  in Frankrijk forum 

    wish ya good luck lady :)

  • Ga naar OUSSAMA HALOUANE's profiel

    geplaatst door  in Frankrijk forum 

    Hellooo ladies and gentlmen, I'm and algerian man 30yo, had studied law and worked in heineken brewery in Algeria so i'm new in france would be happy to know some pple here,find a job and live my life in peace :)
    Thankkks for help :)

  • Ga naar Lili lili's profiel

    geplaatst door  in Frankrijk forum 

    Im interested for your message , I live in France and I speak english a little. Are you in Paris now? Im happy nice to meet you. I love meeting new person worldwide... if you are interested, I can help you in french. And you in english haha
    Tell me please. Contact me See you soon

  • Ga naar Lili lili's profiel

    geplaatst door  in Frankrijk forum 

    Je serais ravie de faire ta connaissance , jhabite pres de la suisse et de lallemagne... Contacte moi si tu veux. A bientot

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