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If you are Black, born in Portugal=no graduated Jobs

게시된 위치 포르투갈 공개토론

This is to continue to talk about racism in Portugal.

1- I've Studied in a couple of countries including Portugal. Many of my Graduated black colleagues in Portugal, born and raised in Portugal, never have been to Africa where suggested to go "back" to work in Africa;

2- In Portugal, the high amount of black Professionals are to be found in health business because THERE they are needed, since the white Portuguese venture themselves in less intelectually depending business. For the rest of the fields, no blacks to be found in high educational level;

3- Black people in Portugal are to be cleaners, constructors and all "lower" related jobs. You are in a way, forbidden to achieve higher goals since once you've done it, you are no longer welcome in the country. This clearly refects the idea that black people are meant to be low;

4- Yes, Portugal is a Classical country...but look what you've become?

5- While the other imperialists have already apologised for colonialism, Portugal doesn't understand why they did it, simply because Portuguese think they did good in Africa;

6- Before Independence, only the numbers of one hand of Africans were graduated. Today, billions are graduated, schools and universities are numerous in Africa and the list goes on with the improvements that were done. Moreover, today, you find a lot of people like me who DECIDED to venture themselves with their own money to study and work in the world. Me being independent to do that is not well known among the Portuguese since they think that I need their approvement to grow further than what they had "planned" for me.

7- Because of my accent, on the phone, I was told I would do good with my International Masters Degree. But once I asked to meet in person with that such important figure, he asked me if I wasn't thinking of going back to Africa. Another episode was when I approached my Professor to ask him to intervene in my favor as to find a suitable job according to my International Masters. I know that my normal Portuguese colleagues aren't as good as I am in languages, aren't as travelled as I am, don't posess a Masters, can't communicate Internationally as me, and having been a good student myself, having this Professor backing me up, I thought my future was going to be soon. It's been almost 6 months, my Professor is silent. I did send him two mails, to which he answered to one. Last week I sent him another one. DEAR FELLOW PORTUGUESE PEOPLE, do you think he will find me something special since he is a very internationally well known figure?

8- It's very common to companies reply as follows: "we are only employing Africans who want to work for us in Africa".

Now, dear world, how do you put this? I know Portuguese are running to Africa to do as good as I want to do in Portugal.

  • jack garcia

    게시한 사람  속 포르투갈 공개토론 

    And, lastly: my nation is England and, despite your preconceived notions of my personal life, my status in this country is that of living below the Portuguese poverty line - unsupported by neither my fellow countryman or the Portuguese government.

  • jack garcia

    게시한 사람  속 포르투갈 공개토론 

    If you, yourself, step back a little from your, obvious, racist remarks and pay attention to details, you will find that many foreigners appreciate this country not just for her beaches and sunny locations, but for her natural beauty.

  • jack garcia

    게시한 사람  속 포르투갈 공개토론 

    Ah, you are reverting to racist remarks rather than logical remarks against foreign communities- particularly the English. Interesting the impartiality of your reasoning.
    If you re-read your comments, it is apparent that you stereotype Portugal with the mentality of a sun-seeking tourist.

    As to my understanding of the black community in Portugal: Yes! I have discovered many members of the black community in 'high positions' - they are poets, musicians, writers, philosophers........oh, sorry- you were only referring to money orientation.

  • Belinda Angelino의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 포르투갈 공개토론 


    A British colony. Where you mostly stick together and only deal with the Portuguese when you want to be served?
    Algarve is becoming an "exotic" Island compared to the rest of Portugal if you don't know. You don't really live by Portuguese standards, if you choose to be sincere. Alentejo is not so far from where you live but quite different, isn't it? Yet lovely, with lovely, helpful people, especially when you are a foreighner of a Northen Europe Country.
    Algarve is where most of Northen Europeans choose to retire. Meaning, they are not there to look for a job nor get themselves into the shortcomes of the country. What retired people need is all love. Algarve, is the really nice, relaxing spot. And what's good about it is that the British control a lot of the business that you don't really need to learn Portuguese. English is becoming the main language there, no problem.
    So, you were able to do that not only in Portugal but also in Spain, Cyprus and all those sunny lovely destinations. You actually increased the place's attractivity, right? Money can buy everything!

    How many times do you come across black people working in high positions there? Say, lawyers? Ever seen them walking successfully there? Or you don't even bother because you have the British Chamber of Commerce that takes care of your deals safely?

  • jack garcia

    게시한 사람  속 포르투갈 공개토론 

    Forgive me if I appear disrespectful- such is not my intention, but:

    Your comments are merely plethoras of ill-founded digressions; devoid of social comprehension; oblivious to resolutions concerning social dysfunctions within ALL countries. Your 'alleged' studies are merely personalised suppositions which appear to have been gleaned from the worst of publications. Rather than present a rationalised argument, you, merely, present prejudicial tripe against the people of Portugal. It is a complete non-sense - devoid of the most menial rational and , apparently, prompted by a personal bitterness which clearly exudes from each paragraph and sentence with a verb.

    No disrespect but you have to live here, in Portugal- or, in fact, any country- to qualify rational comments. An armchair, daily journal and a television do not fare well in the repository of relevant facts.

  • Belinda Angelino의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 포르투갈 공개토론 

    Bye, bye miss...worthy of attention.

  • R P의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 포르투갈 공개토론 

    Oh, so I was screaming for help? I am "messing around"? And when the hell did I "come up with some BS that we are all doing just fine together, that all is party between us"?

    You are ridiculous.

    I don't like spending my time talking to people like you. It just isn't worth it. You know, your reaction trying to mock me is typical of people who know they are not right but they desperately wish they were.

    "something which is exotic to you guys"? Oh, and apparently to you Portugal is not European! I'm sorry but you really need to look at a map. And don't call "guys" those you are insulting! You know nothing about Portugal or the Portuguese. You are not worthy of anyone's attention. Bye bye.

  • Belinda Angelino의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 포르투갈 공개토론 

    Don't scream for help by mentioning Europe here.
    You and I have issues to deal with that Europe is not called for. You as a coloniser and I as colonized. That's a relationship that Portugal treasured for centuries, even turned their back on Europe in the name of it and vice-verse. Portugal did everything to convey that our relatioships were more important and stronger than any other relationship with European countries. Do you know the history? Come up with Europe now...something which is exotic to you guys. Go read the Portuguese praizes the relationships with the ex-colonies more than the one they have with Europe just like UK does the same with Commonwealth. Got it?
    Now, I just want to see that privilege.
    Europe is now daddy, but there are things which you left undone...unfortunately just like you always do with a lot of issues. Messing around and then scream for help. Do we need UN to come sort this out...intervene...again and then you come up with some BS that we are all doing just fine together, that all is party between us? O país do faz de contas, em tudo?

  • R P의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 포르투갈 공개토론 

    You make no sense.
    But I have to agree with you when you say Portugal doesn't educate its citizens right to what concerns immigration: many don't know the real problem of uncontrolled immigration in Europe! It has nothing to do with racism. It's pretty obvious: there's no jobs for the Portuguese, it's quite obvious we can't have jobs for immigrants right now! And did you actually read my comments? Because it doesn't look like it. It's not my fault if you don't like the truth: I don't like it either. Just stop making things up!

  • Belinda Angelino의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 포르투갈 공개토론 

    LOL, LOL, LOL!

    You said that Portugal was being "!invaded" by immigrants without any qualifications. How do you know that? Because they work in construction, cleaning and things of such nature? Have you asked them what they really are qualified for? Wouldn't YOU acuse them of taking your jobs if they were to work as highly qualified?
    See? Portugal does not educate their citizens properly to what concerns immigration. People get confused and go out saying incoherent things!
    Well, me and a lot of other bunch are highly qualified. Wouldn't you be happy to see me working for what I have qualified myself YOUR country? Oh, the crisis. The dilemma of black people working in highly qualified posts has been there for ages. Or maybe it's not a dilemma because no one talks about it. They are all glad to at least be able to clean houses for their whole life.

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