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Racism in Germany - how bad is it?

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I just read a story on Spiegel online which shocked me: According to a new study, more than 14% of German teenagers can be considered as "anti-foreigners", while more than 5% fall into the category of the righ extreme with Nazi-tendencies.

Surprisingly, the bad reputation of foreigners seems to be higher in those regions with little foreigners (so those regions where people don't even know what they talk about!!!).

The original article is here:,1518,613844,00.h

To me - this is just another example of human ignorance, but for a foreigners living in Germany, these numbers are pretty scary!

What are your opinions and personal experiences with the way Germans see foreigners?

  • によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム 

    I dont prefer anyone to believe this Peter Jiannopoulos user

    I dont really think,he ever saw real foreigners,the biological german residents dont like people who are dark haired or skinned or from the middle east / asia,just everyone,whos not real white, like kkk members. In the school are the teachers not friendly to foreigners. Why ? I tell you what happend some years ago :

    A pupil gets his grades
    Timo Paw. : damn thats worst
    Fr.Ra**e : Doesnt matter,you will do it,i wish you everything fine in your life
    Timo P. : Thanks

    than is the teacher coming to me : Here are you grades

    Next german Maurice M. : Ahh my grades
    Teacher Mrs.Ra***E : Well here,have a lot of luck in your life,good wishes,cheers

    They dont even watched in our faces when she was giving us our grades (on a paper)

    Some german teachers are really awesome,I respect them,but the majority of german teachers dont want to give foreigners good grades.

    Im just telling facts,and everything what i saw in my life Peter Jiannopoulos what can you say to it ? They are friendly ? Prove it ! What about NPD ?

    5% of the votes get them,who want to kick out all of the foreigners

  • Gokul Kumar Sのプロフィールに行く

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    Hello Friends,

    I m planning to join Chemnitz University of Technology in East Germany for post graduate studies. Could anyone comment on the social conditions and the racism problems there. I was not aware of anything more than the normal slight racism issues that is slightly higher than west germany. But, after reading few of the post in this discussion i m feeling a bit skeptical about the decision.

  • T Yのプロフィールに行く

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    When you are arguing about racism foreigners are facing, especially the visible minorities, what's more factual than actually asking the local foreigners about it? Some data that Germans came up with has more significance to you than hearing the true stories from the local foreigners?

    Facts are not speculation or assumption, that's why I suggested you actually ask foreigners directly, not just online. They will appreciate your effort to reach out to them, and to listen to what they have to say.

    Only if you really want to figure out the reality, that is. Otherwise go find the data you are looking for.

  • Cloe Cibilのプロフィールに行く

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    Hi all!
    Just wanted to share my experience in Germany.
    I'm spanish, and had no clue of german when I first came for work 3 years ago. I have always felt comfortable here, people were most of the time helpful and nice with me. I had a colleague who arrived to germany at the same time as me, with also no clue of german. People were not nice or helpful with her.
    Why? because she wasn't polite, didn't even try to say "Guten Morgen", "Bitte", "Danke", and didn't ask people if they could understand/speak english. She just imposed her language without making any effort.
    Result of this: i started to have german friends after more or less 1 year (yes it takes more time than in Latin countries), she still didn't have any when she left the country after almost 3 year.
    From her point of view German people were racist.
    From my point of view, she was just unpolite.
    Everything to say, that if you show your interest in the country who is welcoming you, then it works much better!!!
    Now after 3 years in Germany and after a number of german lessons (not easy language) I really feel great here, as everywhere I was living before.

  • T Yのプロフィールに行く

    によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム 

    If you currently live in Germany I suggest you ask local visible minorities who experience racism daily first hand rather than seeking so called data.

    Any data you'd find won't reflect the reality.

  • T Yのプロフィールに行く

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    When the Germans invited the Turkish guest workers, the German government didn't have any plans for their future (for the Turks, that is), other than to let them get the job done for Germany. Germans didn't realize that the Turks are not disosable.

    It's not that Germans wanted immigrants, but just the cheap labor force by the temp workers. I don't know how Germany recruited so many foreigners back then, but just by seeing how Germany tries to advertise itself as some kind of a multicultural country even today, I can imagine how they tricked foreigners into moving to Germany just to help the country for dirt cheap wages.

    It kind of mirrors the situation over in Israel where one party takes everything for granted, and the other suffers from consequences, and no one is willing to take the responsibility.

    Right now, it's not the time for foreigners to whine about the racism in Europe. Racism of course exists, but Germans didn't ask for immigrants, it's the government kept deceiving its people and foreigners, and what you have is the consequence.

    Europe will collapse soon, they have much more serious consequence to worry about than whining immigrants and racism, though ignoring racism is not the solution. But considering the dire chaos that's coming in the near future, it's wise for immigrants to move out of Europe if at all possible. When Germans no longer can't afford to eat, they are not going to lend a hand to a bunch of immigrants.

    Germans are racists for sure, but it's their way of saying "this is what you get if you (the government) don't listen to us". Immigrants are unfortunately ginea pigs stuck in the middle of their dispute.

  • によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム 

    I wrote my turkish friend get insulted by a german board. A german wrote on his channel : fuck your turkish race

    He reported it and after that he get warnend on that board but why ? HE GET INSULTED AND GET WARNED FROM THE BOARD MODERATORS ? Germans are 100 % nazi racists

  • によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム 

    The "NPD" which want to kick all of the foreigners out of germany are getting nearly 5% of the votes every year.2 years ago were foreigners nightly burned by german nazi gangs,that was also in the news. If you are turkish,afghan or from a other middle eastern country,than you have a problem in germany,you will never get accepted,the people will always look strange to you,like your from a other planet in the bus,train,markets,offices,... Im not telling what I heard from other,Im living that since 18 years

  • によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム

    Thats a turkish ch owner of a german board,look at the first comment in the top

    the german guy told him : "I dont care,fuck turkish people"

    Who will post a new comment with "germans are not racists"

    If thats not racism,whats then racism ?

  • Frank lのプロフィールに行く

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    I'm half german and half black. Racism does exist in germany, but not any more than it does in the south in the us. In germany negga is more comparable to negro than to nigger. I grew up there until I was 12. I still would prefer to live there than here in tennessee
