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Racism in Germany - how bad is it?

Pubblicato in Germania forum

I just read a story on Spiegel online which shocked me: According to a new study, more than 14% of German teenagers can be considered as "anti-foreigners", while more than 5% fall into the category of the righ extreme with Nazi-tendencies.

Surprisingly, the bad reputation of foreigners seems to be higher in those regions with little foreigners (so those regions where people don't even know what they talk about!!!).

The original article is here:,1518,613844,00.h

To me - this is just another example of human ignorance, but for a foreigners living in Germany, these numbers are pretty scary!

What are your opinions and personal experiences with the way Germans see foreigners?

  • Vai al profilo di T Y

    pubblicato da  in Germania forum  

    try this site for more info on life in Germany. this forum is very active with lots of anglophones living in Germany:

    my comments might have been often negative, but like I said, it depends on how much German intolerance you can tolerate (oxymoron much? LOL) if you are ready to accept certain aspects of living in Germany, then you'll be fine.

  • Vai al profilo di Eduard Samper

    pubblicato da  in Germania forum  

    Esos nazis deberian aprender que lo que ocurrio con la 1ra y 2da guerra mundial, quien perdio y quien gano, deberian pedir disculapas siempre y por la eternidad lejos de sentirse que son mejores. despues de todo Alemania es loq ue es porque USA y los aliados la recosntruyeron con el plan Marshall. Es evidente que no fue suficente , siguen pensando que son una raza superior, pobres tipos. Creo que es importante recordaselos siempre cdo ellos te demuestren racismo, digo para bajarle los humos!!!!!!!!. Yo vivi en Seattle, Kansas y Carolina del norte y nunca me senti ultrajado por racismo todo lo contrario me trataron de super 10!!!, como a uno de ellos. Hay que recordarles que ellos debrian pedr disculapas cada dia duarnte la eternidad por lo que hicieron y que son perdedores!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Vai al profilo di T Y

    pubblicato da  in Germania forum  

    I think what you are talking about in the US is class-ism. you can be African, Asian, Caucasian, whatever, if you make tons of money, be in the right class, they will treat you accordingly regardless of your race.

    I can't comment on the employment situation in France, but in Germany, many foreigners of all colors are working the 400 Euro / month jobs. and if you want to move up the corporate ladder, you'll have a very slim chance in Germany. managerial positions are reserved for Germans, I mean white Germans with a German last name, not Turkish Germans, Italian Germans, Namibian Germans, or Polish Germans. even German women are having a hard time getting promoted as well. I hope you can rap or something where being black could benefit you in Germany.

    don't assume that in Europe, men of any color are respected just because they are black, asian, etc. they will always remind you that you aren't from there, in one way or another. what you make out of it is up to you. some have become successful, and many haven't. if you are good at something, you can somehow make it everywhere. being persistent is one thing, but recognizing when to quit is also important.

    like I said, if you really wanna leave the country, do it sooner than later because it'll get harder and harder as you get older.

    p.s. I agree, French women are awesome!

  • Vai al profilo di Eduard Samper

    pubblicato da  in Germania forum  

    I agreed with you John. First of all you are american so Germans have to put you a red carpet, you ( american) are the number one, they like or not, America is Nro 1. Maybe they didn't still understand , after 60 years, who won!!!! It should be interestng to make them a friendly reminder and also who built up Germany with the Marshall plan. They should say sorry to the world every day!!!! instead believe they are the best. America is the best. I lived in Seattle and I never feel better in my life, they made me feel a Person. I have lived in many countries and I cannot say the same, even in Canada you are not treated like in America. So John don't feel bad, just make them a friendly reminder , maybe they will indersand. I will do that when I arrive to ermany if someone show me a sign of racism. I'm not going there just because I don't have any other place, I just want to know where my grand father was born, in fact they called me toask me to go.
    May the Lord bless America!

  • Vai al profilo di Brandon Hayes

    pubblicato da  in Germania forum  

    well someone on says france has issues with racism too. but i don't know if its true.

    but i'm also trying to create alot of space between myself and family. my family is a very dysfunctional upper middle class family. they're snobs. i want to get AWAY from them.

    right now its like pie in the sky dreams. i have to get my credentials first. i major in finance but i left school and now i'm back. once i pull this off i will have some options.

    my reasons for wanting to leave are what i mentioned. simplyp ut there are things about being african-american that i hate. i may have opportunity but it comes with a price.

    i feel like i failed as a man and people like to remind me of that am. because i don't have a career-money people look down on me i live with family and they mistreat me. i will have a career but i have too many snobs around me. i want to get to a place where yes there is prosperity but no alot of snobs.

    i want to have a fresh start. i want to start my life over in a new culture where there is some prosperity where black men are respected. i thought Germany was the place. i don't want to move to a 3rd world country. and i don't want to go to a racist country.

    i want to go somewhere where all the materialism and status and lookism is not an issue. its "what type of person is he"

    my favorite french actresses are

    fanny ardant, juliette binoche, irene jacob, and new woman Marian Hands. these ladies are real women to me.

    american society doesn't respect the average looking middle class african-american man. and african-americans have prejudice toward each other. so i cannot stand it.

  • Vai al profilo di T Y

    pubblicato da  in Germania forum  

    oh believe me, it's not just among the African Americans. Asians have the same issues. the Japanese hate the Chinese, Chinese hate the Koreans, the Koreans hate the Japanese, etc. Asians are xenophobic too.

    if you are already into French cinema, I'd say go to France and see what happens! I like French movies too. I hardly watch Hollywood flicks. I know you said you wanna try another continent, but how about Montreal? it's a bit like France but in Canada!

  • Vai al profilo di Brandon Hayes

    pubblicato da  in Germania forum  

    well i'm 28 years old. i feel this way. nice talk to you.

    i attend a business school at an HBCU (Historically Black Colllege). I don't get along with my middle class family we are not the Cosbys, trust me. and i don't fit with African-Americans or White-Americans. no matter what their class is. i feel tired of my people. and i hate racism too. i hateal l the prejudice within my own race. i'm tired of american women but especially african american women. i can't stand em!

    i get inspired by French Movies. and actresses.

    Americans in general tend to segregate themselves into the group they identify with.
    and get competitive with each other. Money and Status obsession.

    its a mix, lookism, racism, materialism, narciscism and social competitiveness and other things im just sick of. USA is a great country that is a rich country that is full of opportunity. But i'm tired of so many things. the few clips i have posted just give you A SMALL SAMPLE. of all the layers of B.S. that exist with African Americans.

    And black americans are racist and xeno-phonic too belive it or not. i personally don't like black comedians anymore because they motivate black people to be xeno phonix towards anybody different as well as racist.

    if you go to a website called "" i go by the name bhayes where i talk about this and other issues,

    but i just want to be happy somewhere else and i don't feel being around my black family, african-americans, white-americans or americans is the answer.

    somebody said Canada is good. but i want another continet. but thaks about germany.

  • Vai al profilo di T Y

    pubblicato da  in Germania forum  

    I'm aware that there's a social segregation based on the ethnicity, not just for the African Americans, in every multicultural society. and there are unique issues in each community.

    it might be tough, but it's still your choice to be stuck in your own community or venture out to the mainstream where you can be surrounded by like minded people of all kinds of backgrounds.

    I used to even avoid the Japanese for the reason you mentioned. I didn't want to be stuck with the same people with the same mentality. it's a choice you can make. once you step out of your comfort zone, you'll be surprised how easily you can fit into a more mixed crowd. I also heard from a polyglot that the only way to learn a new language is to stop speaking your mother tongue from day 1 and completely immerse yourself in the new culture. I've done it in a few countries, and it can be done. that was the only way for me to learn the languages. when in Rome...

    and in fact, those who tend to stay in their own communities are the ones that cause concerns for the locals, be it the Germans, Canadians, Americans, French, etc. just be ready to learn the language and customs and accept them as norm. but this is where everyone has his / her opinions. when you are living in a foreign country, you have to be like the locals! so the question is, when you see how the Germans, for example, treat others, do you want to be like them? hard to answer, especially when you are stuck in Germany with not many other choices. that's why you get all sorts of answers.

    in terms of mobility, if you are young, do whatever it takes to get out and test the water while you can because it only gets harder as you get older and have more responsibilities.

    and people who don't travel often complain about the lack of money, yet they have the money to buy cigarettes, drive a car, eat out often, go to a bar, clubbing, buy a house with a mortgage they can't afford, a cellphone,school, etc. obviously we can't have everything. this is limiting your mobility. I chose to learn languages instead of going to college. and I live without any of the things I mentioned above.

    this site might interest you:

    I have to admit, Asians have it a lot easier than for the African Americans / Canadians.

    the other day, in Canada BTW, when I took the street car late at night, a drunk white homeless guy got on without paying. the driver, a white lady, told the man to get off the street car. of course he refused to get off. so a black passenger sitting beside him told the guy to be respectful to the lady eventually threw him out of the street car. he was then showered by a big applause from everyone. no one cared he was black, to everyone, he was a hero. sometimes it's all in our heads.

    and back to the topic. this is where some Germans become very "unique". a friend of mine who is Korean living in Germany, was asked to pay double the fare to get on the street car by the driver who kindly explained he had to pay more because he's not German! of course no Germans seemed too concerned. he of course refused to get on and waited for the next street car. this would have made it to the front page of a local news paper in Canada, but it was just another day in Germany for a foreigner. it is acceptable there. perhaps the driver was just "kidding." any lame excuse can be made and trusted.

    when I went to a meetup in Berlin, I told this German lady that I used to live in Braunschweig. she became almost apologetic because she also used to work in that city. she knew from her foreign coworkers how they were mistreated by the Germans everyday. so there's always a hope, in that some Germans are alarmed by the acts of racism committed by the Germans.

  • Vai al profilo di Brandon Hayes

    pubblicato da  in Germania forum  

    Racial Tension - Black Community dysfunction

    i just want to start over in another culture that respects black/brown people.

    i though the place was germany.

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