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Paying for Plastic Surgery In Costa Rica

Pubblicato in Costa Rica forum

So I have almost completed the process of scheduling a tummy tuck in Costa Rica With Dr Rodrigo Araya... when his office tells me that the only way he will accept payment is via Deposit into his bank account.
And I froze, Warning lights and sirens start up all over the place in my brain.
AM I crazy? Is this standard procedure? How have you all paid for plastic surgery in costa rica?
Please advise me ! Dr Araya and his office staff are very nice and personable but the idea of depositing directly into someone's bank account ( when their website clearly states that they do accept credit cards) seems fishy.
Thank you!

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  • Vai al profilo di Linda B

    pubblicato da  in Costa Rica forum  

    Hello, I am starting my detailed research to try and find a reputable surgeon to perform several procedures. When viewing this blog, I see several contradictory messages so it makes it hard to narrow things down. Some response was positive for Villa Le Mas, some not positive. I was leaning toward Albert Arguello, but saw some negative reviews. I have been finding in my research that it is difficult to research the credentials. Does anyone have suggestions for me to find authentic credential research for surgeons. I am planning a trip to Costa Rica in July and specifically will be making appointments for consultations first before I schedule any kind of surgery. I want to see the facilities and meet with the surgeons to make sure I am comfortable. Any suggestions or links to be shared will be greatly appreciated. I was also leaning towards Las Cumbres Inn as well. Thank you for any response!

  • Vai al profilo di Richard Abell

    pubblicato da  in Costa Rica forum  

    I have been researhing and kicking around the notion of having a facelift, and blapheroplasty in CR for about a year now. My wife was somewhat interested also, and finally chose to have it done here in the US. She had the surgery a week ago, along with a brow lift as well. She is recovering at home, with me providing nursing care (I am not a nurse.)

    I am still very much interested in CR for surgery, and your report caught my attention with the glowing comments of Dr. Arguello and Las Cumbres. I had pretty much decided on Las Cumbres, but had not considered Dr. Arguello until now.

    Did you have face work or body work, or both? I will contact Dr.Arguello via email today, and begin a conversation with his office. Thanks for any additional info you can provide to me.


  • Vai al profilo di C G Olesen, RN

    pubblicato da  in Costa Rica forum  

    My name is Carol Olesen and I am a Registered Nurse and a very meticulous and choosy person when it comes to picking any surgeon; especially for elective plastic surgery. However, after 2 years of research, talking with Dr Rivera and finally going to a consultation with him in Costa Rica, I am glad to say I am so pleased I chose him for my Tummy Tuck, Liposuction and filler injections. Dr. Rivera owns the patten on VIBROLIPO which is a type of liposuction that uses vibration and gentle rhythm of movement back and forth versus the traditional liposuction that is done very forcefully which causes much more damage to the skin. With the much more gentle Vibrolipo used by Dr. Rivera, I had very little bruising at all which for me is incredible as I bruise very easily to begin with! He is truly a craftsmen in his trade and makes sure every patient has a full medical followup prior to surgery including an extensive panel of lab work as well as a Cardiac workup and a consultation with a nutritionist to assure the patient of the most optimal outcome--one without complications or infections. He also includes in his fees, all follow up care with himself, his wonderful physician assistant and all massages and other post-operative procedures which include constant monitoring of the surgical incisions, all medications: a pain patch, pills for pain management, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medication, and medication for possible nausea or vomiting which I am happy to say I did not have. I stayed overnight in the Hospital Catolica (where Dr. Rivera's beautiful office is location and where he performed my surgery)l after my surgery. Because he was so well organized and took the extra step of insuring that any possible pain I might encounter after surgery was covered beforehand, I was able to walk out of the hospital with only very mild discomfort and within 1 week was walking over 4 miles--that is an incredible feat to say the least, after such extensive surgery!
    Dr. Rivera even gave me his own personal cell phone number and urged me to call him if I had any questions or concerns at all regardless of time of day or night---I was very impressed with him doing this as in the USA you are hard pressed to be able to get even the doctors answering service number let alone trying to be able to reach the doctor himself!! I did chose to extend my stay to a full 2 weeks post operative because my drains that were placed in my tummy tuck incision were still putting out too much drainage (over 35cc each in a 24 hour period). But I was more than happy to do so at his suggestion, since as a nurse myself, I know how important it is to leave drains in place until it is deemed safe to have them removed. If the drains are pulled too soon, the patient can end up with an abdominal abscess or infection. I just cannot express in words just how pleased I am with my whole surgical experience with Dr. Rivera and his staff--they gave me all the time I needed to have any questions or concerns answered.

    I stayed at Las Cumbres Surgical Recovery Retreat and was thrilled with the nursing care I received--they were always there when I needed them--24/7 and made sure my dressing were clean, dry and intact which again, reduces the chances of infection--continual monitoring of the surgical sites is critical in order to make sure there are no signs of infection.

    I felt very safe staying at Las Cumbres and got to know all the staff including Ms. Elke herself who is a truly wonderful person. The entire staff of Las Cumbres treated me like family and was always available and never treated me like a bothersome customer but instead, like a valued person and family member. Again, I just cannot say enough good things about this wonderful place and all who work there.

    Please feel free to contact me if I can be of help to anyone out there who would like information or who might have additional concerns!

  • pubblicato da  in Costa Rica forum  

    Please, stay away from this place. They were excellent to me when everything was fine. After I developed complications and posted it on the PSJ they lied to another new patience about me just to save their business. I just posted about my latest experience in Villa Le Mas on Tryp Adviser. You may read my review in there. Shame!

  • pubblicato da  in Costa Rica forum  

    Molly and all other Ladies,

    It's with sadness that I have to say that my surgeries with Dr. Ronald Pino were dissaster. He did to much work on me and didn't take proper care after. I came back to Toronto half alive and spend lots of time in hospital. I was on IV and now I'm for the next 2 weeks on antybiotic in pills. I have staph infection, open leaking wounds and 2 pelvic abccesses. I may need surgery but Canadian doctors decided not to oparte on me now because my body was abused so much that it may be dengerous.

    I was researching internet for surgeon in CR for one year and felt safe to go with Dr. Pino because there were good posts about him. Now, I have done more researches and found bad posts also. I feel obligated to say the truth to warn others from going through the missery similar to mine. No one should be directed by all those great posts because those ladies who had bad surgeries decide not to speak up being afraid of attacks. Everyone should be careful and don't make the same mistake I did.

    Sorry for my writing but I'm still sick and weak.

    Regards, Maggie.

    PS. Please, check www.plasticsurgeryjourneys,.com

  • pubblicato da  in Costa Rica forum  

    I highly recommend Victor Urzola Herrera M.D. board certified plastic surgeon, he changed my life... many of my best friends followed my advise and have scheduled surgery with him. I went through a bad experience with another surgeon in Venezuela, so I think it's my responsibility to let all of you know about this talented surgeon.

  • pubblicato da  in Costa Rica forum

  • pubblicato da  in Costa Rica forum  

    Thank you so much for this information!
    May I ask who you have used for surgery in costa rica?

    Thank you for the website!


  • pubblicato da  in Costa Rica forum  

    Hi Barbara
    I didn't actually go yet.... I had to reschedule and I also wanted to do more research on this.
    I am all for the surgery. I think that staying in a recovery retreat is the way to go.
    From the last post here, I think possibly we should keep looking around and talking to others who have had this surgery.

    Lets keep in touch!

    Thank you !

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