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Can anybody suggest me an Ivf Clinic in Dubai?

Diposting di forum Dunia

I have been in depression since a few months and that's because of my inability to conceive. I have consulted various doctors in India but no results yet. Now I am shifting to Dubai because of my husband's job so can anybody provide me the details of any IVF specialist in this area?

  • Pergi ke profil Deepika  Jain

    diposting oleh  di forum Dunia 

    Hi laveena, I would recommend you a fertility clinic in Dubai, they have experienced doctors and I have many friends who have consulted this clinic in the past. As you are new to this country so I would suggest you to visit Millennium Medical Center (MMCIVF) for your treatment.

  • Pergi ke profil Gauri Kashyap

    diposting oleh  di forum Dunia 

    Thanks for asking this question Laveena even I am looking for a fertility clinic in Dubai. Can someone in this forum help me in finding an appropriate center for IVF PGD ?

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