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Final Exit Visa for family after Iqama Expiry

Hozzászólva Szaúd-Arábia fórum

Hi Guys,

If any one has idea for the following, please let me know

1. Is it possible to issue Final Exit Visa for family if their Iqama already expired or do I need to renew Iqama first & then issue Exit Visa

2. After issuance of Final Exit Visa how many days family can stay in the kingdom i.e validity of Exit Visa.
For person on work visa its 60 days, I just to confirm if is same for families too.

With regards,

  • Menj salahuddin mohammed profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Szaúd-Arábia fórum 

    1. You can do final exit to iqama with renewing online system only, That is one day iqama (online only no hard copy) to do EXIT only they charge you SAR 2050 or 650 or more depending on the number of days after expiry date, check you personal your company personal department.

    2. yes its 60 days to my knowledge.
