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Was offered a free “dream tour for singles.” Should I go?

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I was offered an all expense-paid “dream tour for singles” trip to Ukraine by a friend of mine. He joined this tour group and offered that he bring me since he doesn't want to be alone during the tour. We both love to travel and I’m the only one in our circle of close friends who has nothing else to do since I got laid off from work about a month ago. I’m not really looking into a new job as of the moment, so I might as well accompany him for the week as a free vacation get away. Should I take it?

  • Menj Patricia Hughes profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Oroszország fórum 

    This looks suspicious - at least from the first sight. I'd know more about the organiser of the tour - the more details you get, the more you know. If it's still acute, you could try any tour of this travel agency. I booked a tour last year to St. Petersburg and liked it very much!
