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What's the best place to live in Italy?

Hozzászólva Olaszország fórum

Can anyone of you tell me what would be a nice place to live in Italy for a while?
I'm thinking about some bigger cities...which ones are nice?

Menj Törölt felhasználó profiljához

  • Menj Paola Brooks profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Olaszország fórum 

    Have you considered Verona as a potential location? I cannot say enough good things about my city of origin. I have just returned from a trip over the holidays and I have posted some of my pictures and stories on my blog.

  • Diego Lopez

    hozzászóló:  itt Olaszország fórum 

    Oh yeah, I'd definitely consider Sicily too. Sardinia or Sicily, or somewhere else where's there's 'beach lifestyle'.

    How is the cost of living in Sicily? Perhaps you could give me some examples of some staple items and travel costs. Grazie.

  • thomas gruessner

    Living in Italy

    hozzászóló:  thomas gruessner itt Olaszország fórum 

    I'm living since 21 years in sunny Sicily and for me it was the best decision in my life.

  • Diego Lopez

    hozzászóló:  itt Olaszország fórum 

    I'm thinking about moving to Italy to live and work for a while. So am currently researching areas (and job opportunities).
    Although Big Cities offer more job opportunities, I really enjoy the 'beach/sea' lifestyle, so if possible I'd like to be "beside the seaside, beside the sea!". Any recommendations? I read somewhere that Sardinia was a good place to live, but a bad place to work, hmmmm, has anyone lived there?

  • hozzászóló:  itt Olaszország fórum 

    Livigno has 104 hotels to offer for its visitors. There is a great choice of good quality hotel accommodation in Livigno, where you can stay either on a half board basis enjoying the fabulous cuisine offered by the hotels, or on a bed and breakfast basis giving you the freedom to sample the fantastic array of food available in the many restaurants that this town has to offer.

    Here you can see :

  • Menj Prajith rrws profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Olaszország fórum 

    Rome Itself :-)


  • Thao huynh

    hozzászóló:  itt Olaszország fórum 

    im a vietnamese, i really like italian language but i kown nobody in Italy and i also dont kown any adress of Italian language school eitheir i have been checking iwebsite and contact but no answer.could any one please help me some adress of italian school as well as cheap accomodation around 4 months staying.
    grazze mille

  • Giulio Pasetti

    hozzászóló:  itt Olaszország fórum 

    Hi Anneke...
    if you are looking for the best university in italy and also the cheapest the better choice is Pisa...
    if yuo like going to the sea from april to nevemer and yu are intrested in Mechnical Engineering or Nautical Design yu have to go to LaSpezia... I studied there, mech eng.. Search for Cinque Terre images on google and Università di Spezia for the campus... Good luck! If oyu need more info on La Spezia or Pisa university ask me, i lived there both..
    my facebook is Giulio Pasetti

  • Menj Adria Cohen profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Olaszország fórum 


    May I ask you a question? I have never been to Nardo, (I live in the USA) but my great grandfather moved from there to Rome. I have just finished talking to a cousin in Rome and we are seeking genealogical information about our family still there in Nardo. Is there an official office where we might secure my great grandfather's birth certificate? It sounds beautiful!

    When you have a chance, if it isn't inconvenient, I would very much appreciate knowing how to get in touch with the office in Nardo that would have my great grandfather's birth certificate. He left Nardo in the late 1800's and served in the military before settling in Rome.

    Adria Cohen

  • Dorota ...

    hozzászóló:  itt Olaszország fórum 

    Hilary how could you write such a terrible thing? :) You wrote "Hate Naples...dirty chaotic and overcrowed and the traffic...a nightmare"

    I do love Naples.
    With its crowds of people, with its traffic, with its life 24/24..
    And with Vesuvio looking at the city and seen from any place of it.
    It is dirty in some parts of it, that is true.

    But as far as I could see, and I could see a lot, believe me..
    So I could see that any city has its lights and shadows.
    Any big city has its dark and bright sides.
