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Racism in Germany - how bad is it?

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I just read a story on Spiegel online which shocked me: According to a new study, more than 14% of German teenagers can be considered as "anti-foreigners", while more than 5% fall into the category of the righ extreme with Nazi-tendencies.

Surprisingly, the bad reputation of foreigners seems to be higher in those regions with little foreigners (so those regions where people don't even know what they talk about!!!).

The original article is here:,1518,613844,00.h

To me - this is just another example of human ignorance, but for a foreigners living in Germany, these numbers are pretty scary!

What are your opinions and personal experiences with the way Germans see foreigners?

  • Menj T Y profiljához

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    to clarify John's point, watch this clip:

  • Menj John Lovejoy profiljához

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    Getting back to Topic
    To quote Barack Obama:” In no other country on earth would my story even be possible”
    And he is 100% correct with that.

    Drawing a comparison, if B.O where born in Germany, he would have never been able to get that kind of education, the opportunity to rise and never been able to run or be elected to even the lowliest office in any state, city or smallest village in Germany solely because the color of his skin.
    The white ruling class and the majority of German citizens would never tolerate that.
    Same goes for France, Switzerland, Austria, ….and so forth, to not just single out Germany.

    So please take a good look at yourselves before jumping on the bandwagon and condemning America as a racist nation.

  • Menj John Lovejoy profiljához

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    @Naija guy

    Nobody is trying to impeach him….for what?
    For doing a lousy job?
    He not the first leader we elected that performed poorly.

    Besides the birther thing came from the Clinton camp in the run up of the 2008 primaries.
    She was highly criticized at the time for saying that she thought it’s POSSIBLE for him to be born in the US, but did not come out fully against it….and left it to linger as a side show.

    He is being criticized for his performance. But his almost cult like hardcore supporters brand everybody with racism for disapproving of his policies and leadership.
    To use a German phrase it’s a Totschlag argument.

    Something else, by the American definition Obama is not African American but mixed race.
    There days the majority of Americans are mixed race/culture, the core make up of our nation and diversity.
    But he is not a descendant of the African/American experience, culture and history.
    His ancestor where not descendants of slaves like African Americans.
    He was never part of the African/American experience and struggle, has nothing in common with that history and is not representative of it.
    Yet he hangs his wagon on that train.
    Not that there is anything wrong with his history
    Personally I couldn’t care less if he where born on Mars.
    Just expected better of him as president.

  • Menj John Lovejoy profiljához

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    I don’t see how place of birth can have anything to with race.
    Those are two completely different things.

    Reality is many are very unhappy with Obama,Democrats and Republicans for breaking his campaign promises, adopting and expanding the Bush doctrine, adding more debt than any president in history in the shortest amount of time, his corporatism, backdoor deals with the bankers, expanding government and the devaluation of our currency.
    Drone attacks in Afghanistan, killing civilians indiscriminately from the air and expanding the MIC....whilst preaching peace.
    The country is way worse of under him than his predecessor.
    But if you address any of the above as a voter, his hard core personality cult supporters will call you a racist to immunize him from scrutiny and accountability
    This is a first in American history that it’s politically incorrect to question or hold our president accountable…because the color of his skin.
    That is ridicules.
    Moreover the birther topic is largely driven by the left ( his supporters) and a media and internet phenomena but not reality in everyday life.
    As a relatively unknown with hardly a record, I supported his election in good faith based on his speeches and promises.
    Over two years later Obama has a record which speaks for itself which I will absolutely not support.
    Does that make me racist?
    I think not.

  • Menj T Y profiljához

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    It all started when his wife publicly said Obama is a Kenyan.

    Of course I can't tell who's lying and who's telling the truth, but the striking inconsistency is there.

    And the people questioning his birth place are more concerned with his strong ties with elitists and lobbyists and the fact that he's a member of Bilderberg group than his race, and many of them probably voted for him as well.

    I would have personally voted for Cynthia McKinney, an African American female green party president candidate. But I'm not even American.

  • Menj T Y profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Németország fórum 

    You definitely have the right attitude! People like Oliver and Daniel are too busy defending the country instead of making the country a better place. But unfortunately they are the majority in Germany. Until the situation emerges where they beg to bring more immigrants, they will continue to be typisch deutsch.

    people will not unite to rise up and march into the streets, until it gets really desperate like when the Berlin wall fell. If it wasn't for the racist propaganda, NDP should win more seats in Reichstag because majority of Germans want Germany for Germans. Let them see wihat it's like to be in Auslaenderfreies Deutchland!

  • Menj T Y profiljához

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    I enjoy your neutral non partisan opinions, it's very refreshing. But an American president has to be born in the USA, and Obama has spent $2 million for his lawyers to cover up whatever he doesn't want us to know. Then just recently he finally provided yet another probably fake birth certificate. No one knows for sure, but apparently many of graphic designers who are not even conspiracy theorists, have pointed out many discrepancies in that birth certificate. Also, his racial background was indicated as "African American" though at the time of his birth, there wasn't the political correctness of today, and "Negro" was commonly used to categorize black Amerians. But the main stream media always turn this controversy into a racial issue, so in their logic, if you question the validity of his birth certificate, you are a racist.

    And before he become Barack Obama, he was once Barry Soetoro, a citizen of Indonasia where dual citizenship was denied until recently. So he couldn't have been an Indonesian AND an American.

    There are just more questions than answers, and he hasn't been very cooperative, that's why people are questioning the legitimacy of his presidency, nothing to do with racism. His popularity is declining not because he's black, but because he is continuing George W Bush's legacy and even expanding it.

    If you google Barry Soetoro, you'll get a better picture.

  • Menj patrick eso profiljához

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    @Oliver H
    I want you to know that Germany has mixed with other european countries over 1000years, so it could be that your ancestors could come from Romania , Albania, France, Spain then setteled in Prussia , which is now Germany. But who cares, which flag you have on now.Some of my family has U.S, Canadian, British, I happen to be the only one with Germany / my kids of course.I am entitled to the first if I want it. So chill out, do not make big deal out of it any way.I am a big supporter of the Green Party in Germany, many of my friends are there too.As I said I am a defender of equall oportunity , for all gender, race, culture, religion.

  • Menj patrick eso profiljához

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    @Daniel Hollenbeck
    Just think about the " modus operandum"behind these conference. First of all Human grid (Some people modified it as Nation Building)?. Then invasion, occupation, annexation....( some called it Industrilization) of Africa. Then exploitation ..............( Imperialism). In some French speaking countries France maintains military Bases there , also a civilian sitting in their parliament of representative of French Government. So you see why some of you think Africa is a Dark continent as the report it in German news every day.But the resources the obtain there are not dark at all?Only the humans there are Dark. The establish beautifull words around themselves. Anything bad goes with the word Dark?. Before we had the G-7 , sometimes G-8 , In the recent times they have come to realise the dormino effect of China, brazil,India etc,then the quickly formed the G-20. Few years back their was a meeting in portugal between African heads of states / european counter parts over trade to block them from doing business with china, we all know what the head of African deligation said. The new generation of Africans are begining to understand that Economics /Politics go hand in hand in todays world.Thanks for the internet.Dividing Individuals accordingto colour of skin is not a good democratic principle.That is what led to Pan Africanism.It started in the late 1920s in some individual African countries, The Africans were subdued with aggression with most advanced Industrial weapons from the Europeans.The Africans believe in living in harmony with neigbours.Africans treat strangers with humanitarian attitude before the annexation process in Africa started.What happened in Rwandan is colonial tribal sentiments which has created hatred overtime.You can not merge people forexample( people from Conventary,England (with) people from Dresden,Germany to live together as a nation)...When they are bussy fighting each other , their master will be plough their wealth back to homeland.

  • Menj patrick eso profiljához

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    @Oliver H,
    What is in your mind about the flag next to me, you want to say?I am a free human being , educated , tolerance, good critics of what I consider sometimes marginalisation of other beings .I was not brought up a nationalist!.I want to be treated as equal under any situation or I will criticise that situation.That is whom I am.To emphacise more on these, Look at what is happening in the U.S today, in their Political news. Some people who believe in racism are Questioning if Mr Obama is born in the U.S at all.What is the motive behind these.Even when he released his birth certificate ,there are still not sartisfied,they are saying now the have to look at it again to see how genuin it is.Before he was elected I was still living in Germany .At the beginning some people was writing all kinds of things about him which were sterotyping. I read it and only laugh out. I told a lot of my German friends at the time.These man is going to make history, none believed me. I went with a friend to visit a family lawyer at the time. These discussion came out again.The Lawyer said to me , what do you guys think about the chances Obama winning the ticket , I simply said God is at work .It happened, When you see young white Americans with college degrees enjoying African American Hip pops, what should you expect then in return. Some of them their parents tried but failed in brain washing them. if you can not beat them, join them.
