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Need help to estimate cost of living.

Hozzászólva Kuwait fórum

Salam to all,
I am new in this forum and i need help to gauge a reasonable salary in Kuwait (KWD) to support a family with 2 kids (less than 3 yrs old). Can anyone help, at least with a range?

I would also appreciate if anyone can explain the tax scheme for foreigners working in kuwait.

many thanks.

Menj Törölt felhasználó profiljához

  • Menj aisha the librarian profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Kuwait fórum 

    alaikum salam wr,wb!

    allhumdillah were in kuwait!for me living here in kuwait very nice and cheaper,lowest tax more is cheaper here especially food.
    here the sample cost of living in kuwait
    * 200kd House Rent(depent if what kind of flat do u want small or big
    * 60kd Groceries+ Misc exps.
    * 100kd Car Hire / OR Loan installment + Petrol
    * 2 Mobile Rent OR Prepaid Card
    * 10 Electricity
    * 2 Internet at home
    * 3 Television Channel Connection

    have a nice day!
