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Racism in Germany - how bad is it?

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I just read a story on Spiegel online which shocked me: According to a new study, more than 14% of German teenagers can be considered as "anti-foreigners", while more than 5% fall into the category of the righ extreme with Nazi-tendencies.

Surprisingly, the bad reputation of foreigners seems to be higher in those regions with little foreigners (so those regions where people don't even know what they talk about!!!).

The original article is here:,1518,613844,00.h

To me - this is just another example of human ignorance, but for a foreigners living in Germany, these numbers are pretty scary!

What are your opinions and personal experiences with the way Germans see foreigners?

  • Nicolas K.

    Poslano od   u Njemačka forum 

    It's a meeting point for german people and turkish people. It was intruduced when many years ago a lot of turkish foreign workers came to Germany to revive after hard work at the coal mines.

  • Idite na profil od John Lovejoy

    Poslano od   u Njemačka forum 

    @ YT
    Hitler was a natural product of Europe/Germany , rising to power on the wings of yet another defunct bureaucracy masquerading a democracy and a failed monetary policy.
    The very culture of looking for someone to tell them what to do.... a leader ...a Fuehrer.
    As far as Genocides go, it was Germany’s 3rd genocide within a few years.
    If the first two had been acknowledged at the time, perhaps that third ( best known) would not have happened since it was implemented by many of the same people in power.
    Particularly since the first two served as the blue print.

    That said, many other European nations where also in the Genocide business.
    In fact there where more concentration camps outside of Germany in Europe than in Germany.
    And rounding up the Jews did not take much cohesion.
    It’s just that the Germans ended up holding the bag for being more efficient and more proudly overt than everybody else plus taking it levels unheard of in human history.
    But ultimately “that’ genocide was committed more out of greed and lust for lebensraum and empire than the yet deeply ingrained racism and propaganda supporting it which served merely as a vehicle to not just take people’s lives, belongings and land but also to recycle their bodies.
    Such as taking the hair and teeth and using the ashes of the bodies to fertilize German soil.
    But again Germany’s doctrine was willingly aided and abetted by many other European cultures who where never held accountable in the aftermath.

    Moreover if Germany hadn't been geographically located where it is, it would have been dissolved as suggest by Russia and seconded by France at the time.
    But Britain and the US chose to implement the Marshal plan and help Germany rebuilt as a nation, but not because they shared a special affection for the German culture but because it was the only way to draw a line and create the iron curtain, protection the Western world from the rise of socialist Russia.
    If Germany had been located in any other place on earth at the time, it would not exist today.

  • Poslano od   u Njemačka forum 

    "Turkish-German-friendship" café ???

    what's special about it?

  • Idite na profil od T Y

    Poslano od   u Njemačka forum 

    yeah, that sounds like what's happening in Germany too with the immigrants. and I expect the same after the revolution. immigrants are considered almost like commodity of some sort, and get passed around everywhere. and until they actually got rid of foreigners, people will not be happy ever again. they need to rebuild the country from scratch to a certain extent. then the PEOPLE of the country can decide the screen system of immigration IF they choose to have immigrants again.

    but right now, everyone feels like they have to tippy-toe around each other instead of freely enjoy the life, both immigrants and Germans.

    if NPD dropped their Fourth Reich crap, I'm sure they have a decent shot at gaining more seats.

    I'm not expecting a revolution to make it better for immigrants, but for the Germans. and a simple logic tells me, unless Germans are happy in their own country, immigrants will never be welcome. so in the end, if Germans can work out the immigration policy by themselves, the result will only help create a better environment for immigrants, and of course I can imagine there'll be a lot less immigrants.

    right now, most Germans and immigrants are at least secretly more or less hating each other. it's not doing any good to either of them.

  • Nicolas K.

    Poslano od   u Njemačka forum 

    The most of these posts in this topic are pure bulls**t
    I'm 18 years old, born in Germany, still living in Dortmund, my grandpa is from Spain and my best friends are from Russia, Poland, Turkye, Greece and Italia. I don't know any person who doesn't hang with foreign persons. It doesn't matter from where you are. It's pure multiculturality. I'll explain a typical street in Dortmund...

    For example: Turkish restaurant -> German pub/"Kneipe" -> Greek restaurant -> a "Turkish-German-friendship" café (there are a lot of these) -> Italian restaurant -> German pub/"Kneipe" -> Turkish market -> German market.

    You don't see german flags everywhere like in the U.S. (only at world-cup time)
    You don't see that patriotism and everybody is okay with that. If here someone would do Nazi salute, he has to run... FAST!

    Sure, there are few racists, too, but these are very, very rare, individual cases and outsiders without any friends.

    Germans just don't like poeple, who won't conduct.

  • Idite na profil od John Lovejoy

    Poslano od   u Njemačka forum 

    @ YT
    There have always been Europeans with that spirit and Asians and African and so many people from all over the globe that felt that freedom is paramount to anything else.
    They are German/ Americans, Irish American, Polish American, Italian American ……get my drift.
    Why do you think they we have millions of people trying to immigrate to the US?

    Y.T. , “ The founding Fathers” that’s distinctly American if anything the very opposition to the old European ways.
    Europe and Europeans have to figure out what they want to do and determine who they want to be.
    But as long they leave those decisions to the old elitist ruling class and the bureaucrats they will always be exploited like before.
    Perhaps one of these years there will be a “European Spring”

  • Idite na profil od T Y

    Poslano od   u Njemačka forum 

    exactly. controlling so many different countries under one regulatory group, with its criminal members who weren't even elected by the people of Europe at all, is not going to last much longer. IMF is another criminal organization with non elected bankers telling people what to do. UN is also the same.

    and the globalists are trying to force the same ideology in North America with some kind of a North American Union, the Security and Prosperity Partnership is what they call it for now.

    I am hoping there'll be a revolution in Europe soon to prove any sovereignty grabbing union will not work so that North Americans will be more aware of the outcome of such a union.

  • Poslano od   u Njemačka forum 

    still, I think that a revolution will only happen when people are really fed up, and then it will be another hitler like but not that much type.

    I think that when people are fed up they will go for very right wing, like NPD type. I think it's natural. When you have too many people, or different groups and need to blame somebody, then you will find a group to blame. Aka foreginers.

    Plus, at least in SPain, crime has increased a lot with immigration, and there is a relation. Plus, the economy is on the floor and yet, the government has money to give to all sorts of immigrants, plus how they are abusing the health care system. I don't know if it is the same in Germany. But it is so in Spain so.....

    I may be wrong, but I think you would like a revolution but you won't like it when it happens because it will be a right wing revolution of the type "I have had it with this BS, everybody out now".

  • Idite na profil od T Y

    Poslano od   u Njemačka forum 

    the founding fathers were lucky to have America to go to. and now, the same people are facing the same tyranny, but nowhere to flee to this time around.

    I hope there are still Europeans out there who have the same spirit as the founding fathers. it took one person, namely Hitler to have a huge impact in Europe, it's a really bad distasteful example of course, lol, but an impact can be made to change Europe, hopefully in a positive manner this time, by leaders like the US founding fathers, but in Europe, to rid of the ruling class once and for all.

    the French did it once.

  • Poslano od   u Njemačka forum 

    Please, say something about things like this:

    "Sure it’s cute and serves the elites and special interest but not regular people in Germany hovelling at the bus stop in the cold or pushing their bicycle through the snow. ..In fairness, if Germany where to let all people have independent transportation like I the US, their traffic system would be extremely strained if not collapse because they don’t have the infrastructure for that.
    These days the Autobahns are already crowded and there are only limited routed with no speed limit."

    What the heck!!! come on. I'm not German and I'm getting upset about it.

    This sounds like they are describing a 3rd world country almost. Everybody knows German highways are amazing, there was even a documentary on TV about it. Also about the quick response to accidents.

    And what, there is no traffic in the US? try driving a 20 minute drive in Chicago with snow and tell me how long it takes you. Try any day of the week in Chicago and tell me how great traffic is. Or any other big city for that matter, or even not so big.

    And how about those potholes?? dont be driving a sports car because you will be hitting the top every few minutes with so much jumping. Even toll highways have potholes!!

    And what's the deal with the pieces of tire all over the place? I never saw that in SPain, why is that happening?

    Ah... I don't think German cars are the best because they are just building them for the rest of the world. Man, now I'm upset.

    People, you better leave German cars and roads alone!!!!! :-)

    PS: I think many Germans use public transportation for the same reason they do in SPain, it's cheaper than gas and in many cases easier because you don't need to worry about parking, which is a problem. Plus, Germans have a reputation for caring about the environment, that may be another reason.

    But for sure is not that Germans cannot afford cars, unless all those BMWs and Audis and Mercedes I see everywhere when I go there are for the rich only, then Germany has lots of rich people.

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