Powerhouse or ****house? Transport in the north of England


The Leeds Library

18 Commercial Street, Leeds LS1 6AL, UK Map

A ThinkIn is an open editorial conference, where we take your expertise and experience and use it to shape our journalism. The only rule is no questions - we want to hear what you think.

Can you make a Northern Powerhouse without wheels? Transport in the north of England is catastrophically bad. Chronic underinvestment means the average train operated by Northern is over 28 years old, nearly two-and-a-half times the age of rolling stock on some lines around London. The per capita transport subsidy for people living in Yorkshire is £511 compared to more than £3600 a head in London. Bus fares can be exorbitant; the five-mile journey from Ambleside to Grasmere costs £5.65 where a journey of similar length in London would be £1.50. There's no doubt there are problems, the question is where to begin tackling them. Should HS2 be cancelled and the money diverted into rail links between northern cities? Can we afford to prioritise investment in public transport when the problems on the roads are so pressing? Join us not to debate whether or not Leeds needs better transport links but how to make them happen.

Chair: Ceri Thomas, Editor and Partner, Tortoise

What is a Tortoise ThinkIn?
A ThinkIn is not another panel discussion. It is a forum for civilised disagreement. Modelled on what we call a ‘leader conference’ in the UK (or an editorial board in the US), it is a place where everyone has a seat at the table. It’s where we get to hear what you think, drawn from your experience, energy and expertise. It’s where, together, we sift through what we know to come to a clear, concise point of view. It is the heart of what we do at Tortoise.
Breakfast from 08:30, starts promptly at 09:00. If you are late to a ThinkIn you can 'SlinkIn'!
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