Lenita Wernqvist

A propos de moi

Lenita Wernqvist
 Lenita Wernqvist
A propos de moi:
Hi, there! How nice of you to take the time to read about me. I'm just a girl from Sweden, born 1987, who is looking to live and work in the United States, preferably in Texas. Why Texas? Honestly, there's just something beautiful about that place. I often find myself sitting on Google, just looking at pictures and searching for information about Texas. As it is today in Sweden, there's not much hope for me to get a job. Therefore I thought I might try this for a change. I currently live in a rental apartment with my cats. I'm a big animal lover and sometimes kind of a loner. I don't drink or smoke, but I'm no health freak either. I like going to the gym, but sometimes I tend to get stuck in front of the TV instead, haha!
Södermanlands län (Sweden)
English, Swedish
Contacts professionnels
36 ans
Södermanlands län, Texas


My current interests aren't that interesting. But there's a lot of things I would like to learn. Like how to gut a pig, how to use a rifle, to drive a tractor. I wish I had someone who would go camping with me, and teach me a bit about the wildlife style. A perfect Saturday means getting some sun and have a nice BBQ with a big, juicy stake!
Musique préférée:
Dallas Davidson is always nice
Films préférés:
Timber Falls and other horror
Livres préférés:
Death Clutch by Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman
Ce que j'aime:
Animals, nature, simplicity, honesty
Ce que je déteste:
Animal cruelty, pollution, pretentiousness
Situation familiale:


Carrière précédente:
Laundry service, Pet store, Probation officer, Cleaning company