Traveltech Innovation Summit


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Amsterdam, Netherlands Plan

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Travel Tech Innovation summit,
All which will delve into the latest technology trends and advances within tourism
and hospitality industries. Hearing the inspirational presentations, prepared by our
expert speakers will offer participants new ideas for developing Their products and
fresh viewpoints on future projects. Besides the keynotes, networking and knowledge
sharing will be an Important Part of the summit and it will be an ideal platform
to assimilate new ideas on how to -improvesleep products and grow profitability.

Today's Consumers are increasingly looking for life-enhancing experiences. They have
the technology at Their Fingertips And They see it not just as a device or a platform
for communications, but as a way to -improvesleep life and make better choices. In this
fast-moving digital landscape, keeping up to date with the latest trends and innovations
Has become a must. As a thriving tech and IT hub, Amsterdam will serve as a perfect
venue for the summit, with its impressive digital infrastructure and multicultural,
open atmosphere.

Travel Tech Innovation summit HAS BEEN designed to address the Following
key issues:

Mobile Advertising and Instant Marketing
Personalizing Digital Services and Predicting Customer Behavior
Highly Customized Digital Platforms
Data-Driven Decision Making for Future Success
Latest Innovative Technological Advances
Mobile Travel Payments and Mobile Wallets
Keeping up with the Ever-changing Customer Behavior
Targeting Mobile Apps and Mobile Web

Price: Packages from EUR 499

Zdenek Komenda, Paul Richer, Daniel Wishnia, Radu Iliescu, Maciej Matyjas, Dimitrios Buhalis, Ron Reed, Roger De Boer, David Vicent, Diego Jimenez, Michael Bayle, Bjoern Becker

Category: Conferences | Lifestyle, Arts and Leisure | Travel and Tourism

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