Publié dans forum Uruguay
Holaaa.. soy de Venezuela y quiero radicarme en Uruguay.. quien tenga informacion sobre que se debe tramitar para vivir en este pais les agradeceria un monton!!!! :D saludos!
publié par ALVARO DUR dans forum Uruguay
Estimada Lourdes , ya has averiguado algo por la residencia aqui en Uruguay ? abrazos Alvaro
residencia es un poco mas
publié par M. Silva dans forum Uruguay
Gracias Lourdes, estas muy amable .Pero la residencia es un poco mas complicado.
1. you need a passport,that will not expire in less than6 month2. you need a good conduct from your homecountry and all the countries you lived within the last 5 years. This has to be legalised in this country from the UY- consulate.3. Marriage lisence, This has to be legalised in this country from the UY- consulate.
4.birth certificate, This has to be legalised in this country from the UY- consulate.5. an passive income of min. 500.- UYfor each person.this has to be declared to an uy-notary.6. in Uruguay you have to make a health card
special rule for women7. if its not in spanish it has to be translated from a traductora publica8. the ministery of foreign affais has to legaliz all the documents.9. you have to put in the documents to the national registry, they will change them to an Uruguay-document10.You apply in migrations11. you make at DNIC the cedula tempraria.12. the whole process will take about 1 year and a half, in this times, you have to go alsways to migrations and ask, what is missing in your file. 13. 6 month later the income document has to be renewed
Good luckInfo
publié par irmar azuaje dans forum Uruguay
Gracias Lourdes!!!! claro que si me servirá de mucho!!! Saludos!! :)