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Racism in Germany - how bad is it?

Publié dans forum Allemagne

I just read a story on Spiegel online which shocked me: According to a new study, more than 14% of German teenagers can be considered as "anti-foreigners", while more than 5% fall into the category of the righ extreme with Nazi-tendencies.

Surprisingly, the bad reputation of foreigners seems to be higher in those regions with little foreigners (so those regions where people don't even know what they talk about!!!).

The original article is here:,1518,613844,00.h

To me - this is just another example of human ignorance, but for a foreigners living in Germany, these numbers are pretty scary!

What are your opinions and personal experiences with the way Germans see foreigners?

  • Se rendre au profil de T Y

    publié par  dans forum Allemagne 

    You said it. "Maybe they are really nice to white people and not others". I don't know if you read the past comments on this thread, but that's what overwhelming majority of visible minorities have been saying.

    And for that same reasoning, you, as a white European, shouldn't have much problem, nor will you ever notice it in Germany. This is also why many think we are just making up stories of horrible Germans.

  • publié par  dans forum Allemagne 

    You guys think the US has a government for the people and by the people!?!?!?

    Don't make me laugh. There is no other country in the world where corporations have more power than the US. And why so much illegal immigration in the US? so businesses can hire illegals and pay them nothing, and also no tax on them.

    At least Germany can provide health care for all its people.

    I don't see why Germany would give a care about the other nations around them. Plus, for what I hear, Germany has better salaries than most countries in Europe.

    "That is precisely Germany’s agenda to remake other European nations more like Germany" -> I would welcome that, at least for Spain. It's a shame that Germany has to pay for so much in Europe while Spain and others are just a mess. If I were Germany I would want half of Europe out of the union. And on top of paying for everything, they get criticized.

  • publié par  dans forum Allemagne 

    I would also be frustrated if I had been born in a country and still the country refused to accept me as a citizen.

    On the other hand, it could be that when they look surprised it is just because they assume a black person will be from somewhere in Africa, but not because they don't want you there.

    I think you would be equally surprised if some Scandinavian looking person in Nigeria told you, I'm from Nigeria!, you would probably think, OK, but your parents or grandparents weren't, and it would surprise you. You would know this person became Nigerian though some kind of immigration.

    I'm not defending them, I haven't lived there. I'm just saying that maybe it is just surprise without negativity.

  • Se rendre au profil de T Y

    publié par  dans forum Allemagne 

    "As long German big Corp is rolling successfully over Europe they don’t really care what their people think and will continue to shop the world for specialist to come to their country.".

    ... and to keep them divided. We need to be united, Germans and Auslaender, and organize a massive exodus of foreigners out of Germany to give them back their country, just to make a dent. And I'm not being sarcastic. We the people ultimately decide the future of the country! Ok, Germany isn't ours. But the Germans really need to stand up for themselves against the bureaucrats and private policy makers instead of blaming foreigners for everything. It's a duty of its citizens to protect the sovereignty of the nation. And as long as Germans aren't willing to accept immigrants, there'll always be consequences. A life without dignity awaits you in Germany!

  • Se rendre au profil de John Lovejoy

    publié par  dans forum Allemagne 

    @ GN
    I am NOT criticizing but stating a fact.
    That is precisely Germany’s agenda to remake other European nations more like Germany.
    They corporate export profits are at the expense of smaller nations around them.
    And at the expense of their own working class by severely lowing the wages to supply their corporations with cheap German labor.
    It’s capitalism at the top. And creeping socialism (state dependency) and surveillance state for everybody else below that, especially the working class.
    1, - to 4, - Euro the hr is NOT a living wage and IMHO a national shame for a western nation.
    They are not even acting in the interest of their own working class and people.
    Germany is not Government by the people but government over the people.

  • publié par  dans forum Allemagne 

    I think disliking somebody because of skin color is stupid, but I think disliking somebody's culture is perfectly OK.

    Italians are white and European and Italy is beautiful, but when I was there, I arrived to the conclusion that Italian men are a pain. I don't have to like that. This is just an example of how you can not like something, I didn't want to give an example of non-white something so it can't be called racist. First thing that came to mind.

    Maybe you are right and Germans isolate foreigners, and that makes me think twice about moving there. But it's just that I have been there a few times, on vacation, and everybody was so nice that I can't believe we are talking about the same people.

    Same for the Germans that live or vacation in Spain, they are so nice and polite.

    Maybe they are really nice to white people and not others, but ...what about the soccer player? Oezil? I believe I heard he is originally from Turkey, he looks white and he plays for Germany. I wonder if he had any problems growing up in Germany.

  • publié par  dans forum Allemagne 

    how can you say this?

    "Germany is becoming the China of Europe"

    Germany is known for its quality products, comparing Germany to China is an insult and I'm not even German.

    I don't agree with German companies building things in other places though, because if I'm buying a German car, I want it built in Germany, precisely because of that famous German quality .

    It also seems like you are criticizing Germany for having a strong economy.

    And I don't even know what you are trying to say here:

    "If Germany where a real democracy and not a bureaucracy with a long historical record of not being able to exist within its own borders, it’s people could have an effective say so at the ballot box, but they do not"

    Maybe you mean that they can't vote on every issue like the Swiss do? and the long historical record of not being able to exist within its own borders......this sounds mean and not true.

    Germany has a lot to teach us all I think, if all of Europe were like Germany, it would be a much better place (my opinion of course).

  • Se rendre au profil de T Y

    publié par  dans forum Allemagne 

    Hating people based on the color of skin, the culture or religion, is all the same. It's racism.

    And it's doesn't make it any better to hate people based on their culture instead of the color of skin.

    And I don't believe Turks should be targeted because of their culture. And no, it's not because of their culture that they are isolated. I never head of Turkish immigrants being such a problem in Canada or the US. Something must be very unique in Germany that turned Turkish immigrants become isolated.

    Germans aren't devils, but they aren't angels either. They just want to be left alone. To be honest, Germany needs a total overhaul in immigration policy. Sure there are many minorities already living in Germany now, but the country has no solution to make them become part of the society because Germans prefer keeping it "pure." it their country after all. it was a mistake to keep the guest workers for so long against the will of Germans in the first place. Now they have to deal with it. And internationals shouldn't meddle.

  • Se rendre au profil de John Lovejoy

    publié par  dans forum Allemagne 

    Merkel didn’t really have a choice, and merely stated the obvious that everybody already knew.
    The writing has been on the wall for the past 20 years.

    If Germany where a real democracy and not a bureaucracy with a long historical record of not being able to exist within its own borders, it’s people could have an effective say so at the ballot box, but they do not.

    And again today Germany’s corporate ruling class via the EU is set on lording over other European nations, economically challenging their sovereignty and even their domestic policy.
    Hundreds of German corporations have set up shop in the very countries also known as the PIGS going bankrupt with the Euro whilst Germany’s corporate culture ( not their domestic economy) continues to profit from their economical demise.

    The near pathological need to export resulting in the most severe wage dump of any Western nation to be able to continue to flood surrounding European nations with cheap German product.
    70 % of German Exports are in Europe.
    Making it increasingly difficult for those nations to develop their own industries and job market.
    Germany is becoming the China of Europe.
    Also the third largest supplier of arms to feed the wars whilst preaching peace at the home front.
    There is an enormous amount of duplicity.
    As long German big Corp is rolling successfully over Europe they don’t really care what their people think and will continue to shop the world for specialist to come to their country.

  • publié par  dans forum Allemagne 

    It's hard for me to believe that Germans will not like somebody because of skin tone. It has to be the culture, which many times goes with Skin tone because of how countries are mainly formed by similar people.

    I could be wrong, but I just don't think people dislike others because of skin color, but because of culture. It is true though that you can associate somebody's skin with a culture and then not give the chance to even check.

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