lov77e ..

درباره من

lov77e ..
 lov77e ..
درباره من:
I'm a cheerful man very direct and honest whatever I think I say it without any problem, I'm a person with strong character but at the same time I'm a little shy too!!!! :-) I'm very direct when I feel and think I just say it!!! sometimes that doesn't like to people :-( We must to enjoy life, our family and friends because we don't know how much time we have left!!!! I am not a pessimist but I am more realistic!!!. There is no guarantees in life, it would be nice if could be but there's not!!!. My sense of humor is sarcastic at times!!!. And I would describe myself as affectionate, easy to love, tender, charming and well-balanced. Dependable man or partner, well-liked and popular person. Tender, considerate lover, and an affectionate friend!
زندگی در:
Saudi Arabia
زبان ها:
English, Arabic
به دنبال:
46 سالها
Bahrain, New Zealand, Philippines, Saudi Arabia