Malta LoveLife

درباره من

Malta LoveLife
 Malta LoveLife
درباره من:
I am currently living currently in Malta. You can know anything you want about me,if you ask. I am Human - I have feelings, needs, dreams,wishes like you do - and I 'm a Gentleman who loves to smile with a great sense of who can hold a conversation,sensitive to others needs ......I'm not judgmental and don't treat others as if they're somehow less of a person just because I don't understand them.I am patient and caring. The six things I could never do without: - Freedom - L.O.V.E. - Purpose of life - Music - Hope - great romantic making love read
زندگی در:
زبان ها:
English, Italian, Arabic
به دنبال:
35 سالها
Malta, Winnepeg


علاقه مندی ها:
Art, Coffee, tea and conversation, Cooking, Music, Politics, Travel/Sightseeing, Wine tasting, Basketball, Jogging, Swimming, Volleyball, Walking/Hiking
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