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INformation about JObs in zurich

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td bem?
gostava de saber se alguem me podia dar algumas informaçoes acerca de possiveis empregos na zona de zurich.
tou neste momento desempregado, e talvez tenha que imigrar e como nasci em zurich, talvez esse seja o meu destino preferencial.

how are you?
I would like to know if someone could give me some information about possible jobs for portuguese immigrant in zurich.
I'm uneployed in this moment and maybe i will have to immigrate, since i was born in zurich that city would be my favourite place to go.

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  • پست شده توسط  در زوریخ فروم 

    I see, it will be somehow difficult in this case without German speaking and SwissID, but everything is possible.. you are part of EU so it's easier than others countries,

    also an other point which is also positive for you is , Portuguese community is quiet high in switzerland , and you can find some one originallf from Portugal and can offer you a job,, just don't limit your self in Zurich, southern region, Lucarno, Logano is also nice , and it will be easier to Speak Italian quickly than German as far as i know from one Friend from portugal,

    Get some hints also checking this web site :

    Good Luck,


  • پست شده توسط کاربر حذف شده در زوریخ فروم 

    No men, the problem is that i forgot the german language and the worst is that my mom didnt know that i could still have the swiss ID when i moved to portugal, so now if i move to switzerland i am an immigrant wich "suck" !

    to be honest i would be looking for any job there for couple of months till i learn german language again, then i would defenetly find better job!

    i have search a little on those links you sent me, but the job offers are all in german, and i dont understand it ...

    do you know any "decent" job that an immigrant like me could work?? thanks

    hope to hear from you soon ....


  • پست شده توسط  در زوریخ فروم 

    if you speak German and you have swiss ID , it will be easy to get a job in Zurich it depends also which kind of job you like /expect .

    otherwise to get workpermit , then you have to get a contract and your employer should apply for it.

    Just check regularly those websites,

    good Luck.


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