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bad business

Postitatud Pleven foorum

Yes, my friends are having bad experienc to buy house from this agent who is definatly not a gent. I cant supply names because this person has make threat to some people. It is not how we must conduct our life and to show to local people we are snakes in grass.

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  • postitaja  sees Pleven foorum 

    I would just like to take a moment to thank some of those who have been posting on recent threads c concerning steve, you have managed to drag some nice people who have posted on here for what they percieve as honourable intentions to come down into the dross that is where you live and are happy in.


    Not only have you unsuccessfully attempted to ruin someone’s personal and business life but you have successfully managed to cause a rift between at least two members of the ex pat community if not many more.

    Do you not think it is about time you started posting responsibly.

    I for one have decided not to post anything further on this forum I am disgusted with the tactics that are and have been used.

    I hope you are proud of yourselves before you start as war it is always advisable to think of the collateral damage you will cause.

    A lot of rifts were healed by a recent sad event which you managed to make a mockery of by commenting on it. Whatever good will there was that day has now been eroded you should be very proud of yourselves.

    Before I go I will just use a bit of space to thank all my friends for understanding my position and respecting it ,they include Rod, ,Ginny, Jerry, Donna and last but not least Steve.

Saada vastus