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Racism in Germany - how bad is it?

Veröffentlicht in Deutschland Forum

I just read a story on Spiegel online which shocked me: According to a new study, more than 14% of German teenagers can be considered as "anti-foreigners", while more than 5% fall into the category of the righ extreme with Nazi-tendencies.

Surprisingly, the bad reputation of foreigners seems to be higher in those regions with little foreigners (so those regions where people don't even know what they talk about!!!).

The original article is here: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,613844,00.h

To me - this is just another example of human ignorance, but for a foreigners living in Germany, these numbers are pretty scary!

What are your opinions and personal experiences with the way Germans see foreigners?

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    I guess I'll just have to wait and see for myself. I'm not saying you are not telling the truth, I'm sure you are telling it like you see it, but I can't see why that may be so until I'm there and can judge by myself.

    I have friends here that had said Americans are racist and I know that is not true at all.

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    Maybe if I move there I'll end up saying the same thing, but I really hope not.

    A friend of mine who lived there and who is from SPain but looks like she is from Colombia said somebody spat at her once, a Turk because she was wearing a cross.

    I don't know, my friends from Spain who have lived there had no problems with racism. Yes, they are white, but as I said, one of them is a bit darker than most people from Spain and none of them has blue eyes or blond hair.

  • Gehen Sie zu T Ys Profil

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    I see what you are trying to say about being Caucasian when you see how some Germans treat minorities like panhandlers, but being Caucasian or even being of German decent has nothing to do with their German arrogance, it's taught and learned. fortunately, most people will judge you by your character, well, except for in Germany... LOL.

    I can understand how the government is ignoring the racism in Germany, but it's really sad that the people of Germany are turning a blind eye to it. They should atleast declare a white only nation so that minorities won't get fooled. Japan has been doing it by not opening itself to influx of immigrants without being labeled racist (though Japanese can be racists too). So should Germany. The difference is obvious. Japanese are happier than Germans.

  • Gehen Sie zu John Lovejoys Profil

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    You are probably white?
    And tourist s are always treated well because they bring money.
    If you where not white and not a tourist, you would have a very different experience.
    And BTW, Germany advertises aggressively for people to come to Germany.

    Moreover, 2nd and 3rd generation German born ethic minority citizens are just a discriminated against. So obviously this is a racial issue in Germany more than a foreigner phobia.

  • Gehen Sie zu John Lovejoys Profil

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    @Farshad Bachebaz
    Hamburg is actually one of the more open and cosmopolitan area’s and cities.
    Can you imagine how bad it is in other place or even the East.
    I am a white American, but Germany is the first place I ever lived in that made me conscious, uncomfortable if not a little ashamed of being Caucasian.
    It is gut- wrenching how ethnic minorities are treated and looked down upon.
    My feeling is that most Germans ( not all) don’t see a problem with this at all, they just don’t like to be called out on this or even worse this leaking outside of Germany or to tourists.
    They care about loosing face and their reputation but not about their behavior toward others.

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    Please dont add your comments,if you dont see it live in Germany. Im living since 18 years in Hamburg (north. Ger) and Ive never seen so much racist in the world like the germans. The biological germans are looking very strange to me and other dark haired or skinned ppl. There is no home sweet home for foreigners in Germany,and the most of the grades of the foreigners are worst cause some teachers dont want so much rich and well educated foreigners in the next generations. Its maybe hard but its true, racism never ends from the germans,I have never seen racist like them, in german Servers of Metin2 I get insulted 2,only cause of the nationality :(

  • Gehen Sie zu niki namis Profil

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    What I can remember from Germany is just pain and racial discrimination. Nothing else.

  • Gehen Sie zu T Ys Profil

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    She also said "i was really optimistic when i first arrived in Germany, but the longer i stayed, the more racism i experienced. i would love to stay optimistic too if possible."

    I'm pretty sure she didn't come to Germany just to complain about the country. She might have had the same positive attitude as you do now. I myself didn't think anyone can be so arrogant and ignorant as some Germans I encountered over the years. Of course not to be confused with "all Germans." But I do hear and read stories about Germans spitting at foreigners quite a lot for example. How often Spaniards spit on foreigners just because they don't like the foreigners? Of course the Germans always discredit such incidents because it's so rare to spit on anyone, but like I said, it seems like stuff like that happens more often in Germany than in other countries.

    People are just sharing the other side of story to warn foreigners who are thinking of moving to Germany. It's not as rosy as what Germans are telling you.

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    "in my opinion, this is what needs to be done: the government needs to re-educate the nation to follow the inclusion policy through the education system, etc."

    The government doesn't need to be telling people what to think, its job is to keep the economy, and the roads, and the justice and police systems etc running smoothly, nothing else.

    I have to say, I have only been to Germany on vacation a few times and everybody has been very nice. I have dark hair and eyes so I don't look German. What I see here is many foreigners talking really badly about Germany, to what I say, why don't you just leave?

    I find it totally disrespectful, to live in a country and criticize it so much. The more I read here, the more I think, well, I'm not surprised Germans don't want foreigners if this is what they get from them.

    But yet, there you are, so maybe it's not that bad after all and you just like to complain a lot.

    And the UK is supposed to have better assimilation? ha!

  • Claudia Aragón García

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    Pues sí, así es. Yo nací en Alemania y he vivido aquí 18 años, después he vivido otros 18 en España y ahora de nuevo estoy en Alemania. El lugar en el que me crié era un barrio de extranjeros, por lo cual nunca me dí cunta como es la gente aquí realmente. Pero desde que estoy aquí de nuevo (hace 2 años) me estoy dando cuenta de que existen muy pero que muy pocos alemanes capaces de ser honestos y sinceros, lo cual en España y en cualquier lugar normal del mundo es la base de cualquier amistad. El problema es que considero que no va solamente con los extranjeros, son así también con los demás alemanes. Por delante ponen buena cara y por detrás se despellejan vivos. No saben convivir con otra gente, ni respetar opiniones distintas a las suyas. El país como tal estará todo lo desarrollado que quieras, pero en lo que se refiere a valores morales van muy por debajo de otros países. Van a la suya, quieren vivir tranquilos y prefieren los perros a los niños porque estos últimos hacen ruido y molestan. Quizá tanta arrogancia surja de la ignorancia, lo que me pregunto es porqué no son capaces de aprender de los errores que ya han tenido en la historia.
    Por cierto, yo también he decidido no rodearme de "amistades" alemanas. Prefiero pocos amigos pero que sean buenos y que se pueda confiar en ellos.

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