Introduction to Ikebana: Japanese Flower Arrangement


Serendip Spa & Yoga

Place Stéphanie, 18, Ixelles, Belgium Map

Have you ever struggled with “getting rid” of your thoughts during meditation? When you want to quiet your mind but the internal chatter just keep coming back? I know I did.

After many years of yoga and meditation I discovered something completely different but surprisingly effective: the ancient Japanese art of flower arrangement - ikebana. It worked for me like magic. Now already as an ikebana teacher I continue sharing this magic further.

Ikebana practice originates from the Buddhist flower offering ritual and has centuries of tradition. Priests would arrange flowers in a natural way with deep respect and attention to each beautiful creation of nature.

Nowadays ikebana is no longer linked to any religion. We simply practice self-awareness, connection to nature and to our true selves. We use flowers as our guide.

During the 2 hour workshop, Ekaterina*, the guest teacher, will give you an ikebana demonstration, brief explanation of history, the main principles and specific instructions for your first ikebana arrangement. After that you will start arranging. She will provide you with the individual support as needed. To make sure all receive the necessary attention we keep the group small.

And here is the best part: at the end of the lesson you take your beautiful arrangement home to harmonize your personal space for a few more days!

We will also make a photo of your arrangement. You can put it as your screen saver to remind you of the peaceful ikebana experience.

The price per person is 35eur (excluding the 7eur for the workshop material). Register & pay in full before 7 May and you will receive a 5eur discount.

*Ekaterina Seehaus is an ikebana artist and teacher of the Sogetsu School of ikebana (Tokyo, Japan). Materials for the workshop (tools, flowers and vases) are provided by the teacher.

Register online or feel free to contact us at or at +32 2 503 55 04.

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 Helena Mahuas