Ulrike Göllnitz

Sobre mim

Ulrike Göllnitz
 Ulrike Göllnitz
Sobre mim:
Hi everyone! I’m Ulrike and I’m looking for some new friends! I love to travel and meet new people. That’s why me and my younger sister are going to travel around Asia at the end of August. We’re going to visit Seoul, Busan, Tokyo, Osaka, Shanghai (sadly just for a night :-( ) and Singapore. It would be awesome to get to know you and have a good time together! This way we hope to learn something about the different cultures and just have fun! If you’re interested feel free to text me! Moreover I would love to get to know people from all over the world! I’m really looking forward to it! :-)
Vivendo em:
Schleswig-Holstein (Germany)
German, English
Procurando por:
34 anos
Australia, Germany, South Korea


Musica favorita:
KPop, Rammstein, Linkin Park, Black Eyed Peas...everything that sounds good!
Filmes favoritos:
hmm...tough...Lord of the Rings, Benjamin Button...and so much more
Livros favoritos:
Harry Potter, Twilight, Mangas...
Coisas que gosto:
travelling, reading, to meet new people, try to cook with my friends ;) we're not that good!
Coisas que odeio:
prejudices, boredom


Posição :