Marcin Brodziak

معلومات عني

Marcin Brodziak
 Marcin Brodziak
معلومات عني:
At the beginning I would like say a few words about my skills - good Commands of PC ( Microsoft Office, Power Point, Paint), - good commands of Internet - ease at make a contacts with international customers ( 7 months of experience at international outdoor activity center at the UK), at that job i'd had a day to day contact with people who came from not only European countries ( Ireland, Scotland, England, Italy, France, Spain, but as well from non-European countries Australia, Canada, Mexico, Asia, States) - I'm a team player, however sometimes I like to do tasks on my own ( at my preview work, daily I’d used to work as a part of a team made of a 15 people, however sometimes I was receiving a duties to do on my own. - Good time management ( often at the "busy period" I’d used to have multiple tasks to do, and then I'd used to doing all of this tasks " task by task", - I'm a challenger so I like to put for myself a challenges or goals to achieve ( at my past, one of my goals was relocation to the foreign country, meet to another country, meet other culture and improve my language ( verbal and spoken) and I think I’d made it, that's why I’m looking forward to a new challenges - I'm highly value an international environment, and made a lot of contacts with people from different parts of the world - I’m a responsible person and independent ( while my receptionist apprenticeship i was responsible for a marketing {promoting a company at international websites, and looking for a foreign companies to establish a contacts between my preview company and any foreign companies}, renting a hotel rooms/bungalows to the customers, dealing with complaints, providing a translations between customers and campsite staff - I’m available to work not only from Monday to Friday, but weekends including - I’m highly resistant to the stress From my early childhood I had a strong desire to have a day-to-day contact with the others and to work with people and for people. Because of this I was doing a different roles to better understand people around us ● voluntary work at socio-therapeutic room/day room/ youth community center, gave me a great look into the other people needs, and was a great opportunity to learn how to make a contact with the others and how to look after about group of people I think that it can be a great advantage because at the hospitality industry, on a daily basis are contact with people from varied environment and ability to understand the other people needs as well as easy-going personality and smile can make that guests will feel more comfortable and welcome like at home. ● as a catering assistant, I had a day to day contact with intercontinental team and guests, daily at our peak period we'd served up to 800 guests from around the world. At this job my department was cooperate with other departments to make sure that everything are running smoothly At this job I'd learned how to work effectively as a part of a team and on my own, understand whole procedures connected with serve a customers and make them welcome like at home. ● as a receptionist ( one month lasting course/apprenticeship program) to my duties belonged cooperation with housekeeping, dealing with guests ( complaints and compliments) marketing and promotion (web), selling accommodations, providing a translations between foreign guests and hotel staff organizing events Currently I’m looking forward to make a step into a new career and I’m open into a new opportunities. I’m a hardworking person and with ease I’m adapt to the new tasks and I have a strong desire to learn. And that's I'll be very grateful for a chance to become a part of Your team I'm looking forward to hearing from You
الإقامة في:
Greater Poland (Poland)
English, Polish
البحث عن:
الأصدقاء, معارف العمل
Poland, Greater Poland


Coffee, tea and conversation, Computers/Internet, Travel/Sightseeing, Volunteer/Community Activities, Basketball, Biking, Swimming, Tennis/Racquet Sports, Volleyball
الموسيقى المفضلة:
Pop music
الأفلام المفضلة:
Horror movies
الكتب المفضلة:
mostly all horrors written by Stephen King's
أمور أحبها:
Foreign languages, International environment
أمور أكرهها:
Rasim, Short minded people
وضع العلاقة:


Holiday Camp "Camp Lipno!"
مجال العمل:
Travel and Leisure
Receptionist Apprentice
الوظيفة السابقة:
Catering Assistant (7 months), Volunteer at Youth Community Center (one year), Translator Amateur (10 months)
0048 507840703
Tlokinia Koscielna, Wiosenna Steet 18