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Discrimination and Racism in the Netherlands

تم وضع المناقشة في منتدى هولندا

After reading an article this morning, I needed to get input from people actually living in the area. The article was discussing European countries and Anti Islamic sentiment. In the article in mentioned a political group in the netherlands that was in the same neo nazi mind set that a ethnic group should be set apart and monitared. I became very disheartened because we've been considering a move to the Netherlands for a long time. We are fed up with U.S. government and culture, and one of our biggest issues is the ignorance and intolerance to different culture and religion. So my question is how often do you honestly come across this kind of social ignorance in day to day life, and how much is it a part of the politics of the day??

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  • Ton Bakker

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى هولندا 

    It doesn't bother me you criticise NL. we Dutch do it all the time.Spain, Portugal , England and NL have a lot in common; our ships discovering the world, and trade with unknown , strange countries.
    And NL and Spain have also a fighting history, we still sing about it in our National Anthem., all about 450 yr ago.And we all have a colonial history with black pages, Spain and UK especially.And Slavery history too.
    I will be the last to say, we are superior to anyone. Everybody is equal, but it of course doesn't mean I have to like everybody. I have traveled a lot, and I know countries I won't visit again, even if the holiday was a present.I love China, the Bedouin in the Sinai I stayed with, people and country of New Zealand.And Spanish culture and architecture. Heck , we have 3 Calatrava Bridges in Hoofddorp!
    About Football; the quality of Barca is thanks to Cruyff and van Gaal,and the best players in the major teams are of course
    I don't think you are a Barca or RM fan......
    So enjoy yourself, and hopefully you meet the right Dutchies...

  • Ton Bakker

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى هولندا 

    Could you explain , if you want by email. what the problem is about the insurance, Pregnancy, birth,midwife and check ups are in every basic healthinsurance package, without payment xtra.Only the after birth mother/baby homecare you have to pay a supplementary fee.
    Of COURSE I disagree with you, our scientists are invited to give lectures at all famous Universities all over the world, we have Astronauts, our pride is the spacetravel of Andre Kuipers , our second astronaut on his 2nd flight.Dutch archtects make the drawings for the new Beijing Airport and more enormous project is China and HK.Dutch heavy duty transport and towing is world famous, f.e. with the Oil disaster in the USA, the call Mammut for help.So see the bright side of NL.Our flowers, plants , cheese , beer,and vegetables go all over the world.Cheers.
    Have a nice weekend, greetings , Ton

  • Ton Bakker

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى هولندا 

    I think you have bad experiences, but in general,and also depending where you live, I totally disagree with your remarks. Medical care in NL is , compared to f.e.UK is very good.
    Economically NL is top of Europe, also in Science and Universities.
    Multicultural is something you have to be proud of ( Advertisements in tram Amsterdam). You can have a example of USA London, Germany etc...==haha, I dont'know where your info comes from, but Germany and UK [especially Greater London] has a huge problem with racism and overcrowded quarters with only foreigners.German people are historically not fond of foreigners, perhaps you should dig into history books??
    Why did you come to NL, and what holds you back to move to one of the perfect countries you mention?

    Discrimination is often a personal feeling; if you ,from your point of view are excluded from social contact with Dutch, perhaps you should open up, and discuss it with Dutch. If you have a prejudice opinion, you will never fit in anywhere.

  • Ton Bakker

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى هولندا 

    What you told about your 'huisarts'; how long ago is that , and did you file a complaint? You ahve a healthinsurance , so why take the risk you drop down there? An ecg the huisarts does himself nowadays, or his assistant.So he can make money himself with his declaration to the Healthinsurance!!

  • Ton Bakker

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى هولندا 

    Problem is that Wilders and PVV get to much attention, and VVD is the cart behind the the PVV dogs [ I like my own comparison,lol] Don't forget Wilders is an Israel addept, and gets a lot of back up from there.So he has a hidden agenda.I think I already mentioned, in Hoofddorp we live together, peaceful together. there always are scumbags youngsters, Dutch and other bloodlines. i have friends of all nationalities.problem is;
    anti-'foreigners' shout it out, and the 'normal'citizens don't fight it often enough.
    Yes we have places where some 2nd or 3rd generation new-Dutch cause problems.Most of the time because police is to soft or under-staffed.Or nothing to do for the youth after school, or outlaboured.
    It has been proven, that 'coloured'Dutch are often passed if they apply for a job.THAT should be punished hard.

  • تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى هولندا 

    I have lived even in Colombia where everybody see them as drug dealers, they have overcome that situation in a 85% but they will be seen forever as drugdealers as it is happening with Mexico now. I live in Los Angeles CA and there is also criminal behavoir not only for inmigrants, also for young american kids due to the fact that everybody is allow to get gun.
    So I really believe there is no heaven in any country, but discrimination or being racist is a shame in this century. We cant treat everyone just because the reputation of the country where they live.Once again, thats IGNORANCE.
    I love Netherlands, UK, Luxembourgh, Spain, France...I have great friends all over and I respect their lifes and religions....This world needs more common sense!
    Regards amigo!

  • Ton Bakker

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى هولندا 

    Hi Gaby, I totally agree with you, it is so easy to say a counntry is racist or dangerous.
    Lot of people think China is poor, and dangerous. Well, I've been there 5 times, never felt threatened, I feel totally at home, and the people are great.As in many countries, formal politics and real life are totally different.
    And I have been in , what you can call the slums.
    I have been in the Sinai, in Egypt , stayed with bedouins, had a great time.
    It is easy to judge from hearsay, but it means you're prejudice.
    I'm very happy you feel at home here, and safe.
    PEOPLE have to learn that you only can form an opinion, when you really know the people.In every country are criminals, in every race or believe or position in community..

  • تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى هولندا 

    I know this an old post! just wanted to share!

  • تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى هولندا 

    Hello, Im amazed about all Im reading here.Interesting.
    I guess in every country there is discrimination and criminal behavoir. Good and bad people. Its hard to get a conclusion about what its true or not. Im mexican and my boyfriend is Ducth, he comes to see me often and I got to Holland too and all the dutchies I have met are nice people, I have a good feeling of all of them.
    In all countries all you hear about Mexico is the bad news, criminal, drugs and corruption acts, I can not say we have these problems, but lets think we are 124 million people, maybe 2 million are bad people get to think MEXICO is a total disaster...but not, its a friendly country trying to get a better economy. My boyfriend used to be afraid of coming to Mexico, now he just love it and comes often. Like everywhere, there are safe places to go and places no to go. My point is, discrimination is an act of ignorance sometimes. I have good muslims friends, cant think everyone is a criminal. So the only way to know what is really going on in each country is living in it.

  • Ton Bakker

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى هولندا 

    USA,Canada,Australia,New Zealand, Japan have also a frienship treaty, with many countries, because of economic or historical ties, like Dutch immigration after WWll to AU,Can,USA,Nw Zealand.If you wanna know the content of the treaty;just google on friendship treaties.Many countries have them.

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