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Racism in Germany - how bad is it?

تم وضع المناقشة في منتدى ألمانيا

I just read a story on Spiegel online which shocked me: According to a new study, more than 14% of German teenagers can be considered as "anti-foreigners", while more than 5% fall into the category of the righ extreme with Nazi-tendencies.

Surprisingly, the bad reputation of foreigners seems to be higher in those regions with little foreigners (so those regions where people don't even know what they talk about!!!).

The original article is here:,1518,613844,00.h

To me - this is just another example of human ignorance, but for a foreigners living in Germany, these numbers are pretty scary!

What are your opinions and personal experiences with the way Germans see foreigners?

  • Henry Lee اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ألمانيا 

    By the way Bunye, Our fore father are to blame not the British or European.. The sold us for cigarette and alcohol... Hence slave trade

  • Henry Lee اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ألمانيا 

    I am a black English guy living in Germany and found the people that I have met so far very friendly and polite...Maybe it has to do with were I am living but I think comments made from Bunye was a bit harsh. We all talk about racism in different countries and the flip side to this is that," WE" the foreigner, should learn to integrate with the people in their own countries. We refuse to speak their language, learn about the people, history and culture but we expect them to have an open arms all the time. Personally I find the more I try to get involve with people of any country the more I am and have been accepted. This is for BUNYE.... When a white man or say a German guy goes to Nigeria and can speak your home dialect perfectly, would you not embrace/welcome that person with open arms? There is racism all over the world but it is how you deal with it that really counts...

  • تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ألمانيا 

    Well, Oliver H. has said what had to be said.

    And in addition: why not mention that the largest Hindu temple in Europe is in Germany, with its own Hindu religious rites being celebrated WITHOUT PROBLEMS smack in the middle of Westphalia, right there in German yokel country. Hell, the locals are even totally proud of the (for our eyes) exotic display.

    And again: Don´t lecture us about Nazis. We don´t lecture you about Biafra, to mention but one not-so-fine hour of your country of origin. And the reason for this is: it is really bad manners.
    I really start thinking that you might be able to get nicer reactions from Germans if you stopped harping on about how we are all about to start the Fourth Reich.

  • تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ألمانيا 

    Dear W.C., I was just about to write an angry reply to your second to last post, but then I read your last comment.
    But still, I can only disagree, not only to your post, but to several others. It is one thing to complain about ugly incidents with Germans, but another to read "that hatred is ingrained in our blood", we only try to "wash away our Hitler past", "we only bring foreigners here to make their life miserable", etc.
    Seems we Germans are not the only racists around here, innit?
    Oh, and of course there is nothing quite as endearing to Germans as calling us Nazis, wow, we totally love that.
    But seriously, I teach classes at a vocational school and we have Germans, Turks, Arabs, Russians, Poles, Kurds, Czechs, Iranians, Vietnamese, etc. and it seems to work fairly well. No gangs of jackbooted Skinheads roaming around, no swastika graffiti, no nothing.
    Not that there are no tensions, mind you, but nothing quite fitting to the image that is created here.
    Oh, and about Brits not being near as bad racists:
    I got spat at in London by a bunch of yobs yelling out "Kill the huns"- they had heard me talking to some of my pupils in German.
    That didn´t make me think that all British people are like that, but I often noticed that they are quite good at treating foreigners shitty, too.

  • تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ألمانيا 

    I apologise for my last message. I admit that I have grown quite biased in my views and even to some extent, racist myself. This is totally wrong and extremely ignorant. Apologies but... still... I'm not imagining this shit!

    Yes, you can find quite a few racists in GB too but no where near as bad as Germany. lol Racism in GB is not discriminitive - it is direct in your face and does not occur often - only as a immature taunt usually by binge drinking guys.

    The problem with racism in Germany, is that it is discriminitive and they're not even drunk!!! o_0 it's anger or jealousy and you can hear the funniest shit come from the most random of people - people who look well educated can suddenly spit out shit foreigner. I've been culture shocked a few times for hearing that from mothers, teenagers, etc. I expected Opas and Omas to be more racist lol but it's the younger generation who are angry. That reeks of NPD influence...

    Have you watched Geoffrey Walruff's documentary "Schwarz auf Weiss"? Interesting stuff!

  • تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ألمانيا 

    i just think germany is the weirdest western democracy i have ever been to lol...

    i work in international businesses and the amount of ecommerce companies that do international business in a naive way makes me question their education standards. i wonder if their education system is the cause of their lack of ability to accept internationalism or whether their government is just riddled with racists (who are not even aware of their subconscious racism).

    well, the government thing is more likely because they allow the NPD to run around rampant infecting the younger generation with thoughts of neo nazism.

    just remember that not all germans are right wing extremists!!! there are international like german natives here. you just have to find them.

    i often like to treat difficult to handle and uncooperative german natives like they are mentality handicapped individuals. i'm just shocked that you can sometimes find ignorant natives as politicians... people who run the country... sarazin springs to mind.

    the thing about germany lacking some internationalism. it doesn't look good on germany that the foreign minister cannot speak good english xD rofl and during an international press conference, he told the journalists to speak only german. hahahahha... foreign minister said that! hahahaha i don't even know if they know they are still ignorant and racist.

    it is clear the world war mentality has not worn off yet. long live nazisim?

  • Esmi R.

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ألمانيا 

    Hello, I am new in the forum. For me it is weird to see these kinds of comments in a forum. But I must agree about this post. I just came to do my phd four mounths ago and I have had a lot of problems. I've been living in Norway and Belfast and I haven't had any poblem with natives, the oposite, they have been very nice and polite with me. I really love traveling and knowing new cultures for that reason I came to Germany to do my phD but I think it is the worst decision I've taken in my whole life.

    When I arrived, a neighbour started screaming at my mother because I was drying my hair at 21.00 o'clock. But this is not the worst, in the shops they did not want to tell me how the prepaid internet works because they said that I did not have money to pay the monthly fee. In the place I work, most of people don't talk to me due to the language above all young ones. In Norway, I learned norwegian in 6 months because I felt motivated but here I feel stressed so It's harder for me to start.

    I am a clever girl and I think I will overcome these issues but I cannot consider them tolerant people. I did my master in english in my home country spain. And most of the students were foreigners, and we were talking english with them, and we hung out with them. I think you have to give some margin to the person. For example if someone has been to one country for 5 years and he does not know the language, in this case, I would consider it a lack of respect, but for someone who wants to learn it and needs time and they just ignore it for me they don't deserve any effort.

    Well, this is my opinion got from my experience. I travelled a lot and I have lived in a lot places, I haven't had problems to make friends with people from the place but here it is impossible. For me it is a lost cause so I will try to integrate but not for them, for me.

  • patrick eso اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ألمانيا 

    @Bunye Ngene.
    I totally agree with you. It is the way people grow up, thats how the recognise what is odd and what is good. For some it is a way of life.Some believe coloured people are inferior.The will tell you no coloured person had made any major impact in field of science.What I learnt in school was who writes history positions his views ,you know what I mean.Then the rest of us is overlooked. Only when something negative occurs we are remembered, like the HIV or EBOLA.Nobody is a fool any more. You just cant change what is inborn.Then you needed more than human anatomy with psychic transformation to probably achieve a bit of respect . What you see around is only window dressing , but behind you the say , where is this black man from ?.In front of you the laugh with you. Those smiles a not deep inside but just a good (PR).People think they are perfect.If the think so why was the finacial crises coming and nobody saw it coming. You just have to know that many people in these forum will defend any position that is viewed absurd in other to provide comfort for themselves.Some people enjoy the race issue because the benefit from it regularly.Obama coming to power was a schock for a lots of them. I was living in germany then I remember the comment many were making then .who is this one, no chance,what happened.Some fill these world is for them only. Only when the remember coloured people is when the talk of HIV, EBOLA.It is a caricature of what others want the status Quo to be. This is how some people want it .Nobody is as sleep any way. Coloured people are enduring beings , look back in the world history according to the author.Who writes any book must cover his track , potray his ancestors as better.For me the Race issue will grow more and have many branches with urgly connotations behind it.

  • تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ألمانيا 

    I am living in Germany since a few years ago now, and although the colour of my skin is white (I am Spanish) and so I haven’t lived frightening situations as the ones explained before, I have also lived different situations in which I have felt strongly discriminated.

    Apart from living in Germany, during precedent years I have also lived in different European countries, and I have to say, that I have never felt so discriminated as I do in this country.

    The first big point would be the language. Germans don’t like it if you are not able to speak their language (at all or not good enough). Several times I had to hear comments such as “We are in Germany and so German has to be the language spoken”, and what really shocked me, is that those comments came from people with very different backgrounds that were also very young! I also thought that mainly people with low education would be the ones having such a point of view, but they aren’t the only ones.

    They seem to don’t understand that we are in the 21st century and people travel (for A or B, whatever the reason is). Such an experience can just enrich the “foreigner”, having to integrate him/herself in different cultures with different languages and ways to do. It is such a wonderful experience that is a real shame when those kind of ignorant people screw it up that way. However, probably most of those people have never spent time abroad and so don’t know what they are missing and how strong can such a experience make you.

    How many times have we heard politicians on TV giving speeches about integration problems in Germany? I completely agree with a comment posted by someone before. The integration problem in Germany comes, not only from the difficulties foreigners can have integrating themselves, although from the problems Germans have to integrate them!

    When looking for a job by example, no matter how prepared you are, how many languages you speak or how much experience you have. If you are not German you won’t have half of the chances.

    That is such a pity. There is people with lots of knowledge that, because of this problem (needing a long time to learn the language, having a different skin colour or being from somewhere else), have no chances to show who they really are and what are they capable of.

    I have the feeling that if you are not able to speak proper German, Germans think that you are stupid and unable. The same if you haven’t been born in this country.

    Of course I agree, if you live in Germany you have to speak German and stick to their ways to do, but if since the beginning they are rejecting people that way, they don’t give them the chance to integrate (it is not a matter of two days, learning is a process), and so they create this uncomfortable situation in which their hate for foreigners increases, and the racist feeling perceived by foreigners arises.

    With all this I am not saying that all Germans act that way, because they don’t. I am just referring to this kind of people (which are the ones we are talking about).

    Neither I say that in other countries this problem doesn’t exist, but that would be a different matter to discuss in another forum which talks about something else.

    I am just giving my point of view based on my personal experience and related with how I feel living in Germany.

  • T Y اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ألمانيا 

    Amen to what you said! I couldn't have said it better myself. Most of foreigners who can tolerate the racism in Germany are white. As long as they don't speak, they can blend in. But if you aren't caucasian, it's like holding a sign that says "look! here is a foreigner!". I've been to east European countries with a lot less foreigners living there, and no one stared at me. So the Germans stare at foreigners with hatred not because we are rare to find. It's more to do with their ingrained hatred in their blood.

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